And We’re Off…
Putting together a themed auction can be a daunting task, especially when there’s a flood of late consignments. We’re proud of our Canadiana auction, we want it to do well, so we tried hard to get everyone’s items in. I…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Putting together a themed auction can be a daunting task, especially when there’s a flood of late consignments. We’re proud of our Canadiana auction, we want it to do well, so we tried hard to get everyone’s items in. I…
Apologies for the delay, Queen Victoria’s birthday demanded that I take the weekend off and do some lolligaging. We had a bit of a shock last week as eBay delayed our Canadiana auction by a week, it is now scheduled…
I went outside on Saturday night looking for the Aurora Borealis but didn’t see anything, maybe it was the big city lights, maybe I was looking south? Our big Canadiana Auction will be running on eBay from May 19th to…
Talk about busy, I was working Free Comic Book Day on Saturday and I was emersed in family stuff for our Easter festivities on Sunday. Too much food, to much drink, too much desserts all lead to not enough ambition…
It’s official, we’ll be out of the warehouse on October 31st this year, I have some storage space lined up for some excess stock but it will just be space, no offices etc., a friend has a very cavernous factory…
Gah! Apologies, I don’t like missing posts. Laptop died on Saturday, bought a new one Sunday, the Geek Squad transferred everything over on Monday, then I spend a few hours Monday evening trying to remember all my log ins to…
The Women’s Hockey World Championship gold medal game went yesterday between the arch rivals Canada and the USA, it was an instant Classic, Canada took it in OT which made me happy, it was a great, competitive and entertaining game…
Hey, Hamilton will be a good spot to be in to enjoy the total eclipse of the sun today, lets hope the clouds stay away, at least long enough for me to test out these funny looking cardboard glasses. If…
Be careful what you read today. On second thought, be careful what you read every day. A couple of days ago I read of the passing of Daniel Kahneman, the behavioral psychologist that dispelled the age-old notion that people always…
I didn’t make it to the warehouse this weekend so I’ll have to attack the “heading to eBay auction” in the next day or so to get the lots ready for Jay to do his magic with. I didn’t want…
I didn’t make it to the warehouse this weekend so I’ll have to attack the “heading to eBay auction” in the next day or so to get the lots ready for Jay to do his magic with. I didn’t want…
The spring Toronto Comic Con went this weekend, I saw some pictures posted and the show looked busy. I’ll have to talk to a few of the guys I know that set up and see how it was, how they…
This week, Chris and Walt talk about… well… nothing. Let us know what you think.
It dawned on me after re-reading last month’s column, “An Introduction to Neil the Horse,” that I jumped right into things and didn’t really introduce the three main characters at all. Who is Neil the Horse? I recently stumbled upon…
I always forget to take pics of the warehouse progress, next week I promise myself I won’t forget and I’ll show you just how far along that big toy room has come. If I share these progress reports with you…
We’ve started listing Original Art (OA) on the weekly icecollectibles eBay auctions. It’s tough breaking in a new collecting bucket, you need time to establish enough followers of the OA portion of the auction but you also need pieces to…
This week, Chris and Walt have the creator of Captain Canuck, Mr. Richard Comely on the show. Richard is gearing up for the 50th anniversary of Canada’s Captain next year. Let us know what you think of the show!
I’ve already fallen behind on my warehouse updates! The plan is to still be out by October 31st of this year so I’ve already eaten up two months of this year and have only eight months to get the job…
Happy Family Day fellow Canucks and happy Presidents Day to the US of A. It’s nice having a long weekend. Long ago I decided the Monday off is better than the Friday off. On a regular Friday we’re all feeling…
When I was visiting New Brunswick in December, I was fortunate to stumble across the first three issues of Neil the Horse Comics and Stories at a collectibles store that I often drop into when I am in Saint John.…
This week Walt and Chris invite Skekky to produce their annual Valentine’s Day poem. Do you have any Valentine’s Day loves? Do you have a poem for us? Let us know!