Cannonball !!!!!
Making a Splash has been a great exercise, it was fun and I learned a lot. I’d say the biggest surprise for me was the sheer power of Jack Kirby, I mean I knew it already but I just didn’t…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
This column will celebrate the Splash page. You know, that page you will never get to see again because your comic is locked and sealed in a hard plastic case.
Making a Splash has been a great exercise, it was fun and I learned a lot. I’d say the biggest surprise for me was the sheer power of Jack Kirby, I mean I knew it already but I just didn’t…
I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. Where we are in Hamilton, Ontario there is a 28-day lockdown so it’s the perfect time for some fun-filled Christmas-themed splash pages. There were tons and tons to choose from but surprisingly not…
Hidden in the back pages of Adventure Comics #288 is this eye catching splash page from John Forte. From September 1961. Surprisingly there were not a lot of big splash pages over the three-part Long Bow Hunters Green Arrow mini-series.…
I can’t believe it’s Week 50 already, I think I’m going to try to do a year end Favorite 25 Splash Pages, its going to be tough to pick because there have been so many great ones. I’m still working…
This week its all stuff I found in the pile destined for our eBay auctions, hopefully, a few of these will be “first time on the net” pics. Let me know which ones you liked best. I really like the…
A little something from each of the older eras this week. The Silver, Bronze and Copper are from my eBay pile so I hope they are first-time views for most people. Big John Buscema never disappoints, check out this great…
I pooped on DC a bit in this week’s Time to Collect post so I thought I’d try and make amends by showcasing some fine 1960s DC splash pages. I thought I’d start with Carmine Infantino, the most 60s of…
I tried an image association game this week, I started with the Marc Silvestri piece and let my mind take me somewhere, I’d go looking there and find another piece and then repeated the exercise several more times until I…
Last week I put up five splash pages from the very early Copper Age circa 1980 and got called out for only putting up Marvel. This week I make amends by featuring some DC splash pages from the same era,…
Earlier this week I posted some opinions on the hot market for Copper Age books so I thought I’d try to dig up a few and feature some splash pages, always trying to stay topical… I found the colours a…
Fall is full on in Southern Ontario, beautiful colors everywhere though it is starting to get a bit chilly. Week 43 brings us some neat splash pages from a pile of comics that are on my desk and destined for…
In honour of our Thanksgiving that just past I’d like to dedicate the week to some great WECA (Canadian Whites) splashes. I want to thanks Ivan Kocmarek for his help with these splash pages this week. A good place to…
I’m behind this week and haven’t even started into my eBay pile but I really don’t want to fish the internet for splash images, I want to keep it homemade so I ventured down into my basement at home to…
I’m back at mining the eBay pile in my office for this week’s post. I leafed through the first two books and quickly saw a chance to feature a week full of double-page splash pages, I did a post like…
This week I couldn’t get to any eBay listings so unfortunately, I can’t bring you any fresh splash pages from the Walt pile. I was a bit ambitious this week and tried to find artists that I have not featured…
I’m continuing to limit my Splash picks to ones I find in the eBay piles I’m working on during the week. My hope is to add some splash pages yet unseen online. John Spranger pencils and inks on this splash…
It was way too cool in Southern Ontario yesterday – 18 Celsius or about 64 Fahrenheit! I love summer, please don’t leave yet! This week I thought I’d try to generate all the splash pages from my eBay pile. Its…
I’m back with some more Splash Pages, this week I leaned on some I found while working on eBay listings and I had a visit from my pal Ivan yesterday so he inspired one. Al Plastino, who I’m afraid I…
I saw this great panel by Irwin Hasen, with Bob Oksner inks, from All Star Comics #47 and for some reason reminds me of many of my trips to comic cons, I’m sure it does the same for our friend…
Week 34 already !!! Time is flying folks, lets try and slow it down a bit by taking our sweet old time to enjoy some great comic book splash pages. Incredible Hulk #107 was on my eBay auction pile for…