Week 52: Merry Christmas

I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. Where we are in Hamilton, Ontario there is a 28-day lockdown so it’s the perfect time for some fun-filled Christmas-themed splash pages. There were tons and tons to choose from but surprisingly not too many that really caught my eye. Here are my favourites.

And speaking of favourites, next week marks the last week of Making a Splash and since I’ve given us 52 weeks of no-repeat content I thought I’d revisit the year and post my favourites.

I really like this Romeo Tanghal splash from Batman #285, the whole thing just kind of works. From March of 1977.

Fan favorite Dan DeCarlo does not disappoint with this sweet Betty Christmas Card, from Betty and Veronica #109, January 1965.

Jim Steranko had just left the title but no worries, Frank Springer slipped in and gave us great splash pages like this one from Nick Fury #10, March 1969.

Too bad DC cancelled this! A great Jack Kirby Christmas themed splash from Cancelled Comic Cavalcade #2, Fall 1978.

From one of the greatest Christmas comic book issues ever, Walt Disney’s Christmas Parade #1 comes this great Carl Barks splash. I’ve said it before but these pages lose something when they are remastered and digitized. From 1949.

Batman has easily the most Christmas-themed splash pages to choose from, some were great like the one I did above, some were too hokey and some I don’t know what to make of? From Batman #39, Bob Kane, March 1947.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Klaus Shroëder
Klaus Shroëder
3 years ago

I think Batman, easily, lent itself to Christmas covers and splashes because of Robin, and their seemingly father-son relationship. Superman and other heroes, not having a ward or child, were harder to do a Christmas cover for,

Bud Plant
Bud Plant
3 years ago

Great choices. Can’t believe the Frank Spriger and, hey, Johnny Craig channeling Steranko. And I suppose ultimately It all came from Eisner, since he was doing this with Spirit Weekly logos in the forties, and that surely inspired Steranko. Eisner also had fun with early Quality Comics logos, and I feel like his shop guys took up the challnge. Blackhawk, Uncle Sam, Plastic Man (in Police), there was lots of fun with creative splash page logos in the early forties.

You are right about the Barks piece…he was outstanding at tracking holidays and the seasons in the Duck stories and art. As a kid gowing up in snowless San Jose, California, the kids’ winter adventures were always fascinating to me. It is surely one reason I ended up moving up to the Sierra Nevada mountains, where I am now, and how much I love it when it snows around here. The duck nephews really taught me to appreciate winter, snowmen, snow forts, snowball fights, sledding, even ice skating, long before I experienced any of that for myself.

DC in the 1940s was superb with Christmas themed covers and stories. Some of my favorites once again. We used a Wonder Woman Sensation cover for our Christmas card last year. And quite a few years back, Plastic Man and Woozy made the card, sledding down a snowy incline with Plas as the sled. From a Police Comics cover. Paul Levitz quietly gave us permission, bless him, when he was still president at DC.

Happy holidays to you, Walter, Mel, Chris, Klaus, and all you CBD readers. Thanks for all the fun this year, both from the posting and the comments.

Gerald Eddy
Gerald Eddy
3 years ago

He who splashes last does not splash least and these are a great holiday themed finish to the year! Always loved those Batman and Robin Christmas themed covers and this splash doesn’t disappoint! After Steranko’s huge imprint on Fury, I think Springer was almost obligated to keep up the graphic tradition! I am surprised that snowman’s knee isn’t melting with Betty perched on it… I think mine would! Happy Holidays true believers!

tim hammell
tim hammell
3 years ago

There’s a subject for discussion – the current age recolouring. That Donald Duck has some subtle-ish tones but I’ve seen some pretty blunt and even ugly recolouring in some of my book editions.

Anyway, all have the best Merry Christmas you can considering the situations we’re in and stay safe. See you next year!

Klaus Shroëder
Klaus Shroëder
3 years ago

Walter, you amaze me with the sheer amount of information and diversity of your topics over the many years that you’ve been posting. I’ve gone back to your earliest articles and podcasts, and you’ve never failed to present an entertaining, and educational, submission that stirs conversation and discussion.

It is through your efforts that I’ve been able to read articles and comments from the likes of Bud, Mel, the Jims, Ivan, brian, Stephen, Tony, tim, Scott, Chris, Peter, Michelle, Dennis and many more whose experiences never fail to raise our collective knowledge, no matter what interests we might have.

No matter how old you are and how long you’ve been a collector or fan, there is always something that you didn’t know and you always learn something, and I so appreciate everyone’s effort and contributions. There are some mighty smart folks out there and I’m glad that they participate in this forum.

I’ve always loved letters of comment, (one thing I really miss from the old TBG/CBG days) and this forum has successfully filled that void. I sincerely hope others feel the same way.

Season’s Greetings to one and all. May 2021 be a better year for everyone.


tim hammell
tim hammell
3 years ago

Here! Here! Klaus, or is that Hear! Hear!? Anyway, ditto, a very intriguing and enjoyable rabbit hole so thanks to you all! Safe Merry Christmas!