Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag trade

Trades & Hardcovers
Freshly returned from Montreal Comiccon 2011 my head is still full of crowds, books and art. My focus here is the collected edition market at the show: hardcovers, trade paperbacks, graphic novels. First off this was a comic centric show…
Writing For The Trade
During their retailer summits Dan DiDio made a statement that Modern Myths took note of and posted in their summary on Facebook. [quote]Another change DC is making is that they won’t be ‘writing for the trade’ anymore. Writers have…

Jiminy Christmas! | Reading Monitor
Last year I took the plunge and decided to only read collected editions, cutting out monthly comic books. Overall it’s been a pleasant experience, enjoying entire story arcs and not experiencing hiatus periods of big name books; is All Star…
Jiminy Christmas! | Size And Format
I just finished Usagi Yojimbo: The Special Edition and visited my local comic shop to see about volumes after that. The Fantagraphics hardcovers were oversized at 8×11″ and really brought out Stan Sakai’s art. The Dark Horse volumes are smaller…