Comic Culture October 9th 2013

comicculture logoThis week Comic Culture host Chris Owen welcomes back Walter Durajlija. Walt is currently the poster boy for the Canadian Dental Retainer Society but he’s toughing it out and jumping back on the saddle. Look for want to slur his way through shows for at least two more months.

Shekky Feldstien is absent this week as he is off producing his Night of the Living Dead Live play in Toronto. Break a leg Shekky.

Anyway, Chris and Walt talk all kinds of comic stuff, feature some new this week comics and open up the Comic Culture Mailbag.

So I’m thinking it’s a good time for you to just sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture and please, please make sure you go out and support your local comic book shop.

Comic Culture is produced by Walter Durajlija and is always professionally engineered by Andrew (Young Buck) Roebuck.

Enjoy Comic Culture October 9th 2013 Edition:

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Angelo Virone
Angelo Virone
10 years ago

Hi Walter,

I have a question that needs a clear answer if there is one at all.

I’ve read recently in a magazine at Indigo that Marvel is not going towards space heroes but staying grounded on earth (I cannot recall the name of the mag). Have you heard about this? And where is Marvel and D.C. headed in the near future? Nova? Quasar? How about Lobo? It would be great if we could get to hear some of your wisdom on this Walter.


10 years ago

Welcome back, Walt!

Angelo Virone
Angelo Virone
10 years ago

Thanks Walter for the feedback.

I have an opportunity to buy a Strange Tales 110 in 6.5 CGC for 2750 US or maybe a little less… is it worth it for me as an investment or should I place my money in something else ? Let me know what you think please. Ang

Angelo Virone
Angelo Virone
10 years ago

Thanks Walter for your advice 🙂
