Fan Expo Can Still Grow

fan exp crowdsFan Expo is indeed upon us and I for one am looking forward to the event. Toronto’s Fan Expo has moved into the 100,000 attendees range putting the show up there with San Diego and New York which is a good thing in my book.

This is a very big show, a very busy show with multiple pop culture genres represented under one roof (well two roofs now that the Sports Expo has invaded the North Building of the Convention Centre).

What I’m trying to say is that there is something here for everybody. But is there now enough of each genre to satisfy the core enthusiasts?

You love horror. Is there enough horror there to make it worth paying hundreds of dollars and standing in line for hours? You are an old comic fan. Are there enough old comics to rummage through to make it worth paying hundreds of dollars and standing in line for hours? You are a gamer. Is there enough gaming in the room to make it worth paying hundreds of dollars and standing in line for hours? So far the answer seems to be yes, there is enough.

Fan Expo has definitely morphed into a beast. following Comic Con’s lead.

How do these things grow so big? Obviously the people running these things are reacting to information and trends and making the necessary changes to accommodate the changing needs of the attendees. I’d say Fan Expo has done a fantastic job of catering to the likes of the attendees and to the needs of all the vendors as well.

How can we put down an event that has sold out vendor tables (at very steep prices at that) and that attracts 100,000 attendees?

Fan Expo will continue to morph and as it does so it will continue to alienate those that find their sweet spot and comfort zone affected by these changes. Nobody should expect 100% retention of past participants especially when you are constantly changing the product.

So far Fan Expo has always added more than it has lost. How long can it continue to do this? Is there a capacity limit to this pop culture orgy? I’m sure there is but I don’t think we’ve reached it yet. Fan Expo still has the ability to grow, all it will take is the people in charge having their ear close to the ground and making the necessary changes.


Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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