The Barter System

I like listening to ambient music on the headphones while I do these posts, I’m now back to the 1920s now, early Hoagy Carmichael, good stuff. At this rate I’ll be into the Byzantine hymns by the fall.

From my ever growing pile of comics “going to eBay auction” we get our Cover of the Week, Wally #3 from 1963, actually it’s the pin up back cover which is exactly like the cover on the front, less all the title mast and text, and less all the unsightly tears and creases on my copy. Who says chivalry is dead? The cynic might assume Wally is in the middle of some barter deal where he contributes something they need for the attention he needs. I say our boy is just doing the right thing and would have done the same for a group of veterans headed to the Legion or Boy Scouts headed to camp, the only difference would be that Wally would not be sweating profusely.

Our Splash Page of the weeks come from X-Men #63 from the pencil of the mighty Neal Adams, what a great page of comic art. I’m wondering whether Neal influenced Jim Steranko more or was it the other way around? I don’t see Steranko on this page though I do see a mix of Kubert and Kirby.

Back to Wally #3 for our ad of the week. That kid’s having way too much fun with that thing and that for some reason makes me feel uncomfortable.

Results are in from last night’s icecollectibles weekly eBay auction, like all auctions I thought some items went super well while others I thought snuck through at bargain prices. One such bargain, I thought, was this beautiful copy of Boy Detective #1, our solid copy sold for just under $55, definitely Advantage Buyer.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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