Undervalued Spotlight #27

Is this book the true start of the Silver Age? Is this book the catalyst that leads to the creation of the Fantastic Four?

Showcase #6, DC Comics, Jan-Feb, 1957

Is this book the true start of the Silver Age? DC revived the Flash in Showcase #4 and that comic is considered the start of the superhero revival and the start of the Silver Age by most. A weak argument in my mind since DC was successfully publishing Wonder Woman, World’s Finest, Adventure, Action, Superman, Detective, Batman and a few others without break through this period. The Silver Age was all about the creation of new and different characters and Showcase #6 represents the beginning of this.

Is this book the catalyst that leads to the creation of the Fantastic Four? Most likely since Kirby was heavily involved in both. If search the net you’ll find a lot of articles drawing quite a direct line from the Challengers to the Fantastic Four.

This book is the first Silver Age super hero team and its the Silver Age’s first true original creation. I’d argue that a successful totally new creation as an answer to the Comics Code was more important in bringing about the change that would explode into revolution a few years later than was a continued rehash of tired old characters that failed not even a decade before.

With all the insane money being thrown at the Action #1s and Amazing Fantasy #15s of the world this comic looks like a bargain.

The Overstreet Price Guide shows $2642/$5121/$7600 as the splits at the 8.0/9.0/9.2 grades.

Strengths that make this comic book a good long term investment are:

– The true start of the Silver Age?

– No Challengers of the Unknown, No Fantastic Four?

– Created by Jack Kirby, THE giant of the industry

– Embedded in Showcase, one of DC’s most collected titles

– DC has not dropped the team and they should continue to be part of the DC line up

– Scarce in high grade, only 3 exist graded by CGC at 8.0 of better, none above 9.0

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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