Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag free

Comixology Celebrates 100M Downloads with FREE comics
As part of their celebration of closing in on 100,000,000 downloads Comixology is giving away one free comic a day until they reach that magic number. Here’s a snippet. With the quickly approaching milestone of 100 million comic and graphic…

Marvel giving free digital code with all $3.99 comics
Wow, this announcement just came in my inbox and floored me. A real game changer: Marvel is including a digital code in all $3.99 comics starting this June. Let that sink in for a minute: every print comic, at least…

Free Marvel Mondays
Here’s one for the “just in case you hadn’t heard” category: Marvel makes four digital comics available for free every Monday for one week. It only works in a browser and requires Flash 10 but it’s a wonderful way to…
Free to play: Thor Bring The Thunder
Marvel has made available a great retro looking 8 bit flash game: Thor Bring The Thunder. It’s a fun side scroller and free to play.

Jiminy Christmas! | Managing Your Collection Digitally
Here I’m going to discuss how to manage your collection lists: what you have and what you’re looking for. This was sparked by a friend on the weekend at Wizard World Toronto pulling a piece of paper out of his…