Covered 365: Day 157

Young Romance #157, DC Comics, January 1969 – Artist: Nick Cardy.

I absolutely love the simplicity and the metaphors in Nancy #157, we’ve all been there before haven’t we fellas, we try so hard to make our gal happy but some days it just doesn’t go. Have a look below.

Funny story, maybe my favourite trifecta in my comic collection are Young Romance #157, Falling in Love #131 and Girl’s Romances #141. These 3 covers all depict a scene where mom is moving in on the daughter’s boyfriend, pretty risque stuff and so much fun. So I had Young Romance #157 picked ages ago, it’s the one book of the 3 that I chose to headline a Covered day. Well to my horror Chris Meli picks this as today’s JOWA award in yesterday’s comments. Now it’s fight or flight, would I be the passive daughter or the aggressive mom? Anyway, I had fun with the whole predicament so I thought I’d share.

Thor #157 is a very strong cover.

Four Color #157 is great, it’s that quality funny animal cover I was speaking of a few posts ago.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Gerald Eddy
Gerald Eddy
5 years ago

While I am warming to the Romance genre Walt…I would have chosen the Thor! Oh I can’t wait for The rebuttal over this cover from Chris… its going to be a real hoot!

5 years ago

I am putting a comment out there early in an effort to avoid the being caught in the crossfire of the Cover of the Day vs. JOWA shootout that is sure to ensue over Walt’s choice of Young Romance #157.

Thor #157 is extraordinary – the framing is perfect, the scale is majestic befitting a battle of the gods, the figure of Thor seems utterly defeated, and the coloring is seamlessly matched to the drama of the scene as the highlight of color at the center of the page almost visually conveys the fight being squeezed from Thor by the massive grip of Mangog. And, it has a giant hand, which I know is the reason Chris nominated it in yesterday’s post.

Two other covers that also caught my attention:
– Wonder Woman #157 (1987) – Adam Hughes can create a stunning visual.
– Superman #157 (1987) – Finally, Lois seems to be getting her well-deserved revenge

Bud Plant
Bud Plant
5 years ago

I am with Derrick, Thor #157 is just a great cover. Pulls you right in, you want to see what this creature is. That would be my choice.

I just don’t see what our young lady in Cardy’s cover could see in this Nehru-jacket, silly necklace, bad-hair guy. He is trying WAY to hard to doll himself up. I wore bell bottoms and had long hair, back in the day, but neither I nor my buddies looked THAT silly.

Mom is awfully cute, thanks to Cardy’s fine work. But I don’t think even Mom could take him seriously.

Chris Meli
5 years ago

I think the best way to comment on this situation is with a stanza from one of The Living Dream’s hits (you will have to imagine the accordion and spoons accompaniment):

Bud Plant is right
The guy’s a dolt
Thor’s at the height
The choice a jolt
But I’m not hating
JOWAs can be rating
Recall “The Bride of Jungle Jimmy!”

I agree that Four Color also rates.

The pickings for #158 are a bit slim but I think Superboy qualifies. I have been afraid to chase the Adams Superboy covers given their dismal GPA returns, but this exercise is changing my mind. I can’t imagine what was motivating Adams to deliver these standout covers for these also-ran and goofball titles in the late sixties, but posterity is the beneficiary. I also like FF and Detective:

“I was doing the usual ‘brainstorming’ and came across this one – Dr. Doom! What a great name – let’s use it!”

“We can’t lift it directly – how about – Dr. Droom!”

“That’s lame.”

“Yeah, sure, but we’ll use it and see if they say anything. If we get radio silence – next it’s Dr. Doom!”

Young Romance: Meat Loaf has the answer to this quandary.

Batman is worthy of a JOWA (especially that depiction of a “dog”), but it can’t hold a candle (or flaming Bat-Hound breath) to Wonder Woman. Not even that original, as the “Mustache Trap” had already been featured on many DC romance covers.