Covered 365: Day 208

Superman #208, DC Comics, October 2004. Artist: Jim Lee.

Jim Lee gives us a fantastic cover to Superman #208 (1987 series), great detail to his work and I like the composition of this piece.

Neal Adams continues his brilliant cover run on Strange Adventures #208.

Michael Turner gives us a Flash overload on the cover of Flash #208 (1987 series) and I really like the result. I can’t stop looking at the 3 running Flashes.

I thought that Batman looks a little super, Curt Swan draws us a great cosmic Batman cover.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1832


  1. I would have put Strange Adventures first, Chris’s pick of Worlds Finest second and the Superman in a tie with the Four Color that I did gander at yesterday. By the way my pick for 214 has to be Famous Funnies… its possibly Frazetta’s greatest cover on this series…. the moon behind actually gives me height anxieties!

  2. I have loved Jim Lee since the X-Men days, but still this is a standing around cover.

    I also considered the Flash cover but Kid Flash’s face looks weird to me.

    I figured that Four Color would get a mention, but it doesn’t do much for me.

    For #209 yes we have the first Frazetta Four Color, but it is only good among a number of strong candidates. After some consideration I am going with Tarzan. I doubt that anybody will be with me but I think it has the best balance among the candidates. I really wanted to go with Strange Adventures as Adams put so much time and effort into this, and the colors are great, but I can’t get past the middle of the cover being a guy’s back.

    For runners up we have: Batman, which is pretty crude but engaging; Conan, which kind of fails on two of my three criteria, but I still like it; the aforementioned Famous Funnies; House of Mystery, which I wanted to be higher on my list, but something about the guy’s head/face doesn’t work; Little Lulu, which for this kind of cover does work for me – I think it is the picture of cruel determination; and Wonder Woman (87) – it clearly tells a story and in an original way.

    ASM homage to Babe #2.

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