Covered 365: Day 310

Flash #310, DC Comics, June 1982. Artist: Keith Giffen.

I really like how Keith Giffen laid out the cover to Flash #310, the colour strike on the cover is a treat as well.

There has been a nice batch of Hulk covers of late, Bret Blevins does his part with his strong cover to Hulk #310.

I think I like Stephen Platt’s cover to Wolverine #310 more than the cover merits it.

Again, doing my patriotic duty as a fine Canadian by highlighting Jim Gary’s noble Mountie cover to Four Color #310.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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4 years ago

I never realized Wolverine’s gloves had their own blood supply.

4 years ago

Thor #310 was my favorite of the day followed by:

– McFarlane’s Amazing Spider-Man #310;
– Kubert’s Batman #310; and
– HULK #310 .

I have to ask – What is happening on the Flash cover in Dr. Fate’s left hand with Boomerang and Colonel Computron?

And I make a motion that the presence of such an awful villain name as “Colonel Computron” is a disqualifier for Cover of the Day.

Gerald Eddy
Gerald Eddy
4 years ago

I like the whole group Walt! I have a special fondness for the Four Color! It reminds me of comic strip art which I love ( and a kudos to Scott for highlighting those strip compilations)! I am not sure what that one villain on the first cover is up to… but his steel is apparently bared. Computron…. wasn’t that a computer store or am I thinking CompUSA… I get those two confused all the time!

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija
4 years ago

Computron’s boner just seals the deal as far as I’m concerned !

Chris Meli
4 years ago

Sorry but that Flash cover is visually confusing, and apparently that is an advantage re Computron’s input device.

That is the wrong Wolverine and the Mountie gives Moldoff a run for his money.

For tomorrow there is a fan favorite but I’m not picking it. Instead I am picking the Frazetta homage Hulk. Runners up are the aforementioned ASM, Captain America (good to see the photogenic Awesome Android again), and Daredevil. I think Walt might like the semi-rainbow Flash, but that is not a pick.

Action cannot rightly be a pick, but I still really dig it.