Covered 365: Day 310

Flash #310, DC Comics, June 1982. Artist: Keith Giffen.

I really like how Keith Giffen laid out the cover to Flash #310, the colour strike on the cover is a treat as well.

There has been a nice batch of Hulk covers of late, Bret Blevins does his part with his strong cover to Hulk #310.

I think I like Stephen Platt’s cover to Wolverine #310 more than the cover merits it.

Again, doing my patriotic duty as a fine Canadian by highlighting Jim Gary’s noble Mountie cover to Four Color #310.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1842


  1. Thor #310 was my favorite of the day followed by:

    – McFarlane’s Amazing Spider-Man #310;
    – Kubert’s Batman #310; and
    – HULK #310 .

    I have to ask – What is happening on the Flash cover in Dr. Fate’s left hand with Boomerang and Colonel Computron?

    And I make a motion that the presence of such an awful villain name as “Colonel Computron” is a disqualifier for Cover of the Day.

  2. I like the whole group Walt! I have a special fondness for the Four Color! It reminds me of comic strip art which I love ( and a kudos to Scott for highlighting those strip compilations)! I am not sure what that one villain on the first cover is up to… but his steel is apparently bared. Computron…. wasn’t that a computer store or am I thinking CompUSA… I get those two confused all the time!

  3. Sorry but that Flash cover is visually confusing, and apparently that is an advantage re Computron’s input device.

    That is the wrong Wolverine and the Mountie gives Moldoff a run for his money.

    For tomorrow there is a fan favorite but I’m not picking it. Instead I am picking the Frazetta homage Hulk. Runners up are the aforementioned ASM, Captain America (good to see the photogenic Awesome Android again), and Daredevil. I think Walt might like the semi-rainbow Flash, but that is not a pick.

    Action cannot rightly be a pick, but I still really dig it.

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