A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.
Day 39 – Exciting Comics #39, June 1945, Artist – Alex Schomburg.
I tried hard to pick Amazing Spider-Man #39, I mean haven’t we given Schomburg enough ink? Exciting #39 is undeniable though. This hit the stands probably a month before the war in Europe ended.

We should all consider your concerns, and take away the lesson from a relative value perspective. Schomburg was the master, and no matter what his war covers are worth today, they are only going in one direction. The more over-the-top the grotesque behavior of The Enemy, the more key the cover. It is nice that people now appreciate Cole’s skulls, devils, and colorful spaceships, but twenty or fifty years from now, what will they say about the history of the human race? Schomburg”s ability to somehow turn the dehumanization of The Enemy into something that is actually attractive is both amazing and disturbing.
To save some money on postage, I suggest combining shipping of the CGC 9.2 copy of this when you send me the CGC 9.4 copy of Captain America Comics #37. Again thanks in advance.