A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.
Fantastic Four #72 – Marvel Comics, March 1968 – Artist: Jack Kirby.
Day 72 had some great options, U.S. Marines was nasty, Amazing Spider-Man was shocking and Lois Lane was illuminating but I just could not resist paying another visit to King Kirby, ohh the glory of the Kirby Crackle.

Great choice – love the cover, & love the Silver Surfer. For your consideration, I might have offered 2 other nominees – Conan#72, a great Conan cover among many great Conan covers, and Marvel Presents #72 (Barry Smith’s Weapon X).
Marvel Presents #72 !!! That is a super worthy that I would have picked if I’d have thought of it. Good call.