Comic Culture May 2nd

OK I’m not sure what happened but hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija sound like they are in a cave. We apologize for the sound quality and will make sure it is crystal clear for next week.

If you go into a cave yourself you’ll nullify the effect and enjoy listening to our hosts discussing the Avengers movie, the upcoming TCAF festival in Toronto and most importantly this weekend’s Free Comic Book Day event.

Now its time to sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s installment of Comic Culture the radio program that dares to ask the hard questions.

Comic Culture is produced by Anthony Falcone and is engineered by Andrew Roebuck.

Enjoy Comic Culture May 2nd 2012 Edition:


Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Kevin Boyd
12 years ago

What happened to the podcast for May 2? The link sends us to one for April 11.

Kevin Boyd
12 years ago

Great! It worked. We are also having a FCBD event at the Comic Book Lounge… face painting for the kids, as well as great guests like Stuart and Kathryn Immonen, Ty Templeton, Raff Ienco, Marco Rudy, Mike Del Mundo and more. 12-7 in downtown Toronto. Followed right afterwards by an evening event: On the Couch with Ty Templeton featuring Ty, Scott Chantler, Ken Lashley, Mark Askwith and Will Pascoe.

Danny Champion
12 years ago

Boys, welcome back!

Thanks so much for the plug! your knowledge is worth its weight in gold! Some perfectly poised and timely wisdom, as ever 🙂

It’s a critical point you raise about the incentive for shop keeps’ to make money down the line as well as having something for the readers to discover.

I guess, a long term strategy would emerge from the group, if a bunch of amateurs were involved in this together.

A lot of serious planning is required to even begin to achieve a tangible product or goal, but thanks again for the shout!

Watch this space I guess.

PS:- English (not Scottish) thesaurus to follow.


12 years ago

WTF! How em i to download the show? i don’t use itunes so what the frack?