Comic Culture September 17th 2013

Comic Culture Logo 200x158This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Marty Birthelmer discuss a wide variety of topics including a recap of the Montreal Comic Con, the upcoming Hammer Town Comic Con. The boys visit the new this week pile and highlight some of the comics hitting the stands at your local comic book shops, they open the comic culture mail bag and generally have a blast chit chatting about all things comics.

So just sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture and please, please make sure you go out and support your local comic book shop.

Comic Culture is produced by Walter Durajlija and is always professionally engineered by Andrew (Young Buck) Roebuck.

Enjoy Comic Culture September 17th 2013 Edition:


Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1842


  1. Hey Shekky !!! Just heard the last section and heard my name …I was not expecting such a wonderful welcome…you guys are awesome !!!!

    I will write you soon with one of my questions…but I’ll have to warn you that it won’t be an easy one per se lol !

    Angelo Virone

    [email protected]

    P.S. Don’t forget, were going out to grab a bite to eat when you guys are back in Montreal next year !!!

  2. Angelo!

    Glad you heard your shout out and that you responded. It was a pleasure running into you in Montreal, and even more of a pleasure to know that people are actually taking Walter’s advice! We’ll do lunch next year for sure though.

    Definitely get us that question for one of the next Comic Culture shows, if possible. Something that stumps Walter is always ideal, but he can stumble his way through a surprising amount! Looking forward to hearing back.


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