This week, Walt and Chris host a couple of guys at the warehouse for some talk about comics. Chris decides to hit record and well…. here you go. Let us know what you think of the show.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
This week, Walt and Chris host a couple of guys at the warehouse for some talk about comics. Chris decides to hit record and well…. here you go. Let us know what you think of the show.
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Walter, your idea of transferring comic specific knowledge (at only $29.95 each month available in 4 eeeeaaasy payments!) is why I enjoyed Underrated Spotlight so much, it taught readers (including me!) about characters, collecting strains/themes, comic book history – it exposed it’s readers to issues, eras and ideas they may not have considered…it was so much more than just speculation and investment*. As an example; due to that column I ended up buying and reading Neal Adam’s amazing work in Brave and the Bold #93 – so to me it holds information that is priceless!
*then you had to go stuff it all up by stupidly recommending a Rob Liefeld drawn book and deservedly put yourself in the sights of pitchfork-brandishing angry posse! Bad, Walter, bad!!!!
Sorry Walt…Kirby created Brilliance from 1940 to 1975. 35 years of unsurpassed creativity.
Born in 1917, having been overseas and fought (unlike Stan ) he was an old 60 when his abilities declined. Office boy stan, served in America, in an office, created nothing in the 1940’s, 1950’s, and nothing after 1971, Stan Lee was the biggest fraud in comics. Jack Kirby and Ditko created the baseline of Marvel comics. Stan Lee and later Roy Thomas invented the Marvel way of writing comics. A paragraph, written or spoken to an artist, who then created, plotted, dialogued in margins and back of art,and submitted same for Stan to edit and fine tune. Its time to stop this Lie and myth of Stan Lee. He was a buisman , but also a clever thief.
Stan Lee interview from 1968…
Sorry guys…ever since your site uses Akismet to reduce spam, I cannot attach articles and links as I use to.
I notice less and less engagement on your site Chris and Walt. This may have something to do with it.
Anyways, nice podcast and guests guys
Spider! Act now and get this bonus Chris and Walt whiskey guide… BTW that XForce 2 post was my most read Spotlight ever !!
Dave! I think you’re being hard on Stan and romanticising Kirby and Ditko too much, I think it’s a “sum of the parts” issue where the magic combo was needed