
Happy Solstice everyone.

I don’t watch enough sports, I hardly watch any, so yesterday I tried to fix that by watching the lads from the old county face off against England at the Euro 2024. Now I remember why I don’t watch sports.

A quick update on a couple of fronts, the warehouse move is progressing (seems I’m always in the middle of a warehouse move). I’ll be out of this warehouse by the end of October, I’ll have some cheap storage space for all our extra stock but I’ll be working out of the Big B Comics shop on Upper James in Hamilton, I miss that place. Our forever delayed icecollectibles youtube channel is a little closer to launch, we actually have two completed videos with four more being edited now, we’ll launch when we have a buffer of at least a dozen videos, we’re aiming for mid July.

The “heading to weekly eBay auction” pile seems to be growing larger as more consignments stream in, this beautiful stack of World’s Finest #213s caught my eye with the bright yellows and very dramatic cover. One of my favorite DC artists of the era, Nick Cardy, gets credits, its our Cover of the Week. Without looking, at what issue did other DC heroes replace Batman as the co-star to World’s finest? The answer is with issue #198 which was part 3 of the Superman/Flash race.

It really doesn’t take much to brighten ones day, sometimes all it takes it to leaf through a copy of Journey into Mystery #110 and happen upon a simple and elegant Jack Kirby pin up. Now to come up with a way to get a copy of this comic into everyone’s hands.

Our ad page of the week comes from Green Lantern #84, truth be told I was expecting to find a nice Neal Adams Splash Page I could use for this post but nothing hit me in that issue, at least as far as Splash Pages. I did find this interesting ad promoting a t-shirt offer for $2, it says for the “First Time Ever” they are offering a t-shirt with the cover of Action Comics #1 on it. A smart cookie might have read the writing on the wall back in July of 1971, he may have seen this and said “hmmm I think it might be a good idea to stock up on Action #1s, I mean they’re making t-shirts of the damn thing.

The latest icecollectibles weekly eBay auction ended last night with plenty of highlights, our Amazing Spider-Man #9 did it’s job and earned $685, which is better than the last sale of $650 but just a tad below the 90 day average of $696. I look to these staple issues as signs of market stability, as I said above, this copy held the fort.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Gerald Eddy
Gerald Eddy
4 months ago

I remember ( hard to believe) back then when it hit the national papers some young guy paid a whopping $1800 bucks for an Action 1! It’s been all down… errrr…. I mean, uphill from then on! The only Thor/JiM’s I kept were the High Evolutionary story line. Loved the covers! Going to watch Portugal play tomorrow night on a big screen in one of the plazas here in Braga… some people owe me a few Cups of Super Bock beer and its a 5 minute walk!

David Mackay
David Mackay
4 months ago

I remember in 2010, driving to Montreal , and buying a smart looking Amazing fantasy 15 for 4500? Graded at 4.5. Bruno had a higher graded copy, methinks it was a grade higher for about $1000 more. And this was Canadian Dollars.
A shout out to Bruno and Sylvia in Montreal. 🙂

David Mackay
David Mackay
4 months ago

I like this game…remember when….

4 months ago

I remember in 1993 when I told my LCS I really liked Wolverine they suggested I buy a Hulk #180, I paid the $30 and read it and got to the last page and said ‘well, that was crap, he looks like a very angry banana’…I gave this to the shop owner and he said ‘so you don’t want #181 then??’…’no thank you, sir, i certainly do NOT!’ I replied with righteous indignation!

David Mackay
David Mackay
4 months ago

hahaha True story Spider?

3 months ago

True story David. With X-Men it wasn’t as bad, I hunted down a #94 and got to #101, I thought they were fairly average due to the lack of Wolverine in them…and sort of got into the #150-200 run of X-Men where he was most prevalent. It was the ongoing Wolverine series I was collecting, why would I need to dive into those old X-men books???

However I wasn’t a complete fool because I kept the Hulk #180 and all those old X-Men books and 20+ years later I enjoyed them for what they are. The other thing I’m proud of is a kept my boxes clear of Rob Liefeld penciled issues despite collecting in the 90’s, see, I did have some taste!

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