Tag Walter Durajlija

Rock Star

I thought only rock stars set up in front of sold out venues, in different towns, weekend after weekend, turns out I was wrong. I have a pal that just called me to report that he did great at the…

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I should have went to Fan Expo, I told myself I’d go but somehow weaseled out at the last minute. I hope everyone that went enjoyed the show, Chris Owen went Friday, said the show was packed with people, said…

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I had fun following the Olympics, they shine a light on so many cool sports that seem to matter all of a sudden, but then, unfortunately, all but disappear until the next Olympics. The ping pong highlights were insane as…

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Back to work

There is such a difference with going back to work after the September Labor Day holiday compared to going back to work after July 1st Canada Day and/or Independence Day July 4th. I think they should just write the month…

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There was way to much going on this past weekend, I had a big lamb roast to go to on Sunday and another big lamb roast to go to yesterday for Canada Day! Balkan hosts are easily offended, especially if…

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… And the livin is easy… I hope everyone enjoys their summer, make sure you take some time off and get some needed rest, make sure you marvel at the bees and stop and smell the roses. A fresh clear…

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Happy Solstice everyone. I don’t watch enough sports, I hardly watch any, so yesterday I tried to fix that by watching the lads from the old county face off against England at the Euro 2024. Now I remember why I…

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It was a busy weekend, I had a few guys pop into the warehouse to settle up accounts, catch up a bit and talk comics. One popular topic was the state of the market, current prices and where the market…

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It’s official, we’ll be out of the warehouse on October 31st this year, I have some storage space lined up for some excess stock but it will just be space, no offices etc., a friend has a very cavernous factory…

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Gah! Apologies, I don’t like missing posts. Laptop died on Saturday, bought a new one Sunday, the Geek Squad transferred everything over on Monday, then I spend a few hours Monday evening trying to remember all my log ins to…

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