Tag Walter Durajlija


There were a couple of one day comic cons happening yesterday and I was getting sporadic reports. One show was in Ottawa and another in Toronto. According to the reports coming in the shows were similar in these ways: bins…

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A few years back I started posting about my new warehouse full of comics. I had just bought close to 2,000 long boxes of comics and was giving updates on stuff I was digging out of the collection. I recall…

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Are We On?

This week the boys start back up off their summer hiatus: they discuss the joys and the pitfalls of moonshine and find a little time to talk comics too. Please let us know what you thought of the show, kindly…

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It doesn’t have the same ring to it when it’s “with leave” but I went with it anyway. I’m up in Blue Mountain for a week and then I’m off to Europe for 3 weeks so please forgive the brief…

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Uncle Ron

My pal Ron Hobbs popped in for another visit this past weekend, it’s to the point now where I won’t let Ron in unless he brings me something special to touch, to hold to feel. It’s a small price to…

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