Undervalued Spotlight #9

The Farmer's Daughter is undervalued! Here's a first for ComicBookDaily. I've listed an entire run as my undervalued comic of the week. The reality is that once you own 1 of this 4 issue run a malady called

Farmer’s Daughter #1 – #4, Standhall Publ./Trojan Magazines, Feb-Mar 1954 – Oct 1954

farmers daughter 1Here’s a first for ComicBookDaily. I’ve listed an entire run as my undervalued comic of the week. The reality is that once you own 1 of this 4 issue run a malady called goda-gedum-allosis sets in suddenly and severely.

Standhall Publishing had the previous year seen some success with G.I. Jane. GI Jane lasted 11 issues running from May 1953 to March 1955. Basically Jane was the story of a G.I. gal who drove the soldier boys crazy – heavy on the sexual innuendo. Farmer’s Daughter was a natural follow up, full of suggestive and raunchy humor. The premise to Farmer’s Daughter was an endless line of travelling salesmen dropping by the farm looking for some from the farmer’s daughter. The humor better fit into the men’s stag magazines of the day. This comic was definately aimed at the adult male reader. Was Farmer’s Daughter a sign of things to come. We’ll never know since this reliance on sex was effectively stopped one short year later with the introduction of the Comics Code Authority. The Code effectively ended publication of all graphic horror and crime comic books and all overtly sexually themed comic books.

The Overstreet Price Guide shows $203/$327/$450 as the 8.0/9.0/9.2 price splits for issue #1 while $118/$189/$260 are the 8.0/9.0/9.2 splits for issues #2-4.

farmers daughter 2Strengths that make these comic books a good long term investment are:

– Absolute must haves for collectors of good girl comics from this era

– A rare comic foray into the adult male market makes it unique

– Very scarce  – there are no known graded  CGC copies


Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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