Just a Thought | Fantasy Comic League

So this week I decided to do a bit of dreaming. A lot of people like fantasy football or various mythical match ups for UFC fights so why can’t I do the same for comics?

Before I begin I would like to point out that none of these are rumors I have heard, things that I know, etc etc. If any of these ideas become reality, purely coincidental…but I’ll still take the credit for it. I am only suggesting creators and characters, not actual stories to go along with any of these.

Let’s begin fantasy comic projects shall we?

Mike Mignola: Hellboy/The Demon crossover

Seems pretty obvious doesn’t it? In fact Mignola on any sort of The Demon book from DC would be six shades of awesome but it would be an interesting idea to have The Demon meet with Hellboy as they are kind of different sides of the same coin. In a perfect world Mike would both write and do art on this book

Frank Miller: I, The Jury

Assuming you read my column with any frequency, you’ve probably noticed that I believe that Frank Miller has kind of lost his way…into possible insanity. Maybe the way of getting the Miller we all know and love back is to bring him to his roots but to a set of roots he can’t foul up too bad. I, The Jury, is the first of Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer novels. It’s a big influence on Miller’s Sin City. I’d have Miller do something similar to Darwyn Cook and adapt the entire novel into a graphic novel. No really messing with plot or text, mainly just Miller on design and art. Then after that, get Frank back on to Sin City and hope this has brought him back to where he should be.

Charlie Huston and Eduardo Risso: Anything remotely pulpy and crimey

Charlie Huston is one of my favorite writers out there right now (his Deathlok not withstanding) and I’d really like him on something kind of pulpish. Eduardo Risso would be a perfect compliment to Huston’s writing. I think a Vertigo or Vertigo Crime book would be the best fit…or perhaps something even pulpier like Doc Savage or The Avenger (both currently on loan to DC’s First Wave).

Neil Gaiman and John Romita JR: Thor

Out of continuity Thor written by Gaiman drawn by JRJR. DROOL! Seriously though, their work on the Eternals was fantastic, I’d just like to see them get a crack at a set of gods a little higher profile.

Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons: Anything they damn well please

It’s been a little while since these guys did anything full length together. I know everyone will want to compare whatever they ended up doing to Watchmen but that’s besides the point. Alan (when he wants to be) is still one of the best if not THE best comic book storyteller. Gibbons, while he was excellent on Watchmen, has gotten even better since then.

Peter David and Dale Keown: The Thing

I’m not sure if he has ever done this before but I’d really like to see Peter David do a Thing mini series. Given what we know about David’s writing, we know he’s got the chops for both sense of humor and the intellect to do Ben Grimm well. We also know that Dale and Peter work rather well together and would make a good fit on The Thing.

Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips: The Shadow

I would kill to see this. If you’ve read their mini-series Incognito, you know both men have a fondness for pulps so putting the on The Shadow is a no brainer. I hazard a guess saying it’d be damn near perfect.

Okay, your turn, send me your ideas!

Brent Chittenden is a Canadian freelance writer who also happens to write humorous things for Bite TV’s blog. If you have need of his services you can reach him at [email protected], twitter at @BCNerdhole and his podcast Two Assholes Talking About Nerd Stuff. Feel free to become a fan of him at his Facebook group Brent Chittenden: The Writer.

Brent Chittenden
Brent Chittenden

Brent Chittenden is a Canadian freelance writer currently writing for alancross.ca, geekhardshow.com and his own pop culture podcast, TATANS. He is readily available for writing and speaking gigs. Brent like sandwiches.

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