Today(ish) in Twitter – September 16th, 09

twitterToday(ish) in Twitter is a regular column wherein our staff  troll through the best of the 140 letter updates of the comic book world. ComicBookDaily is not responsible for the content of these tweets, but we will admit to laughing our collective bums off at some of them.

zdarsky: (Chip Zdarsky):For Christ’s sake, Jughead, take that f%^#ing hat off. This is a wedding. (I’m guessing in response to Archie #601)

PaulTobin: @davidlafuente Have I mentioned that your art for Ultimate Spider-Man # 2 was more than a little bit awesome?

andydiggle :I’ve updated my comic galleries on ComicSpace, including a nice fat preview of DARK REIGN: THE LIST – DAREDEVIL. Get in!

rayfawkes: What a crazy time this is. I will calm myself with ink.

CBCebulski: My AM inbox: amazing David Finch secret project cover, 48 pages of Milo Manara X-Men goodness, creepy Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic cover sketch!

kierongillen: Curse you mold! Vanquiser of Bread! Ruiner of lunch! Curse you! May your womb be fallow and your sons find no succour.

Paul_Dini: Folks forget Patrick Swayze played a great Pecos Bill. Hopefully he roped a passing cyclone into the happy hereafter.

JamesUrbaniak: I’ve got a great name for a pizzeria: “Who Wants a Pizza Me?” C’mon people, that is effin brilliant.

JamesDRobinson: I’m kind of over people calling Kanye West a douche bag. He got drunk and was a asshole. Last week I was drunk and head butting people.

JamesDRobinson: If you haven’t had one too many and made a dumb mistake then you’re just fucking boring. Anyone else is in a glass house throwing stones.

JamesDRobinson: Come on people, get a grip. And it’s the VMAs for God’s sake. She wasn’t accepting the Nobel Prize.

DavidALapham: @JamesDRobinson If all your followers were robots and sex workers like mine you wouldn’t have to worry about such things.

GailSimone: Love Beatles Rock Band, never realized how much I hate “I Want You (she’s So Heavy)” and “Hey, Bulldog” until I had to play them a bunch.

brubaker: What’s up with getting BO in one armpit and not the other?

JHickman: @brubaker – studies show that single-arm BO is almost always caused by porn. I dunno, maybe you’re an outlier.

BRIANMBENDIS: just had my new mini greenlit. AVENGERS: CRY FOR PIZZA. every other page someone yells PIZZA!!


Pete note: If you’re not following Hobo Darkseid you’re missing out on so much life affirming fun!

Check back for more fun!

…also if you want to follow Comic Book Daily’s Pete DeCourcy – you can do so here.

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