Covered 365: Day 1

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Day 1 – Mask Comics #1, Artist – L.B. Cole.

So good I have a friend with this image tattooed onto his calf.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Ivan Kocmarek
5 years ago

Great cover, but how about for a special day like New Year’s Day, we pick a cover that connects thematically? Like More Fun 17 or Action 8.

Chris Meli
5 years ago

A great start. These days you need to take out a second mortgage for that one. I second Ivan but let’s open it up further – so for tomorrow it could be a #2, or anything else that ties in (e.g. Adventure #260, “The Kents’ Second Super-Son!!”).

5 years ago

Mask #1 and 2.
2 books I’ve wanted 4 so long but can’t find a copy at a # I can afford to live with.

Since #1 issues are so common and #365 issues so rare perhaps you should have the Top 365 #1s , the top 364 #2s … the number 1 top issue #365

Chris Meli
5 years ago

As activejim says, too much to choose from in these early days. After about five minutes of work I vote for The Shadow (1973) #3.