Covered 365: Day 115

Captain America #115, Marvel Comics, July 1969 – Artist: Marie Severin.

Captain America #115 has always need one of my favorite covers, simple yet striking, an easy stand out.

We’re really starting to post some great picks in the comments and I do like the wide range of selections. I think I’ve been riding the Cole train a little too hard lately and I’m going to try to stay off for a while. Like one of the comments said, I could pick Cole every issue these days, I’m sure I could ride Frazetta for 9 issues straight in the early #200s as well but I think it defeats the spirit of the exercise. Like another comment noted, there are multiple criteria for a great cover and artistic execution does not have to win every day. This revelation excites me cause I can feel more Charlton Romance covers coming…

I liked Ace Comics #115 and Captain Marvel Jr #115 was eye opening!

I liked Jimmy Olsen #115 but as the Jo award winner!

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1838


  1. Kudos to Walt, because I thought today presented a very difficult choice. Captain America #115 was as Walt described it – striking; and a worthy finalist along with Blue Bolt (again!) and really great X-Men #115 cover.

    The Blue Bolt issues are still new to me and they are mesmerizing – in the art, the color, the scene, the set-up, and even the little side pieces that you notice after the main explosion off the page.

    But X-Men #94 was a gem. When I saw it I loved the lurking figure of Sauron lording over the proceedings. It struck me as if Bryne had perfected the golden age cover feature where the Joker (or some other villian) would appear as giant figure casting down evil on the hero. But on this cover it was palpable, and the induced rage of Wolverine, and the prone figure of Storm in the foreground felt perfect in its effect.

    I enjoyed the Jimmy Olsen #115 cover (and support it nomination for a Jimmy Award) because the evil and petty version of Superman that keeps appearing on Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane covers is such a far cry from the boy scout image of Superman you find every where else. And to echo Chris’ point from yesterday, Adams knows how to create that scene.

    The romance covers also continue to fascinate, but as much (more?) for the dialogue than the art.

    As always, I took a look at the nominations that Chris posted yesterday and liked them all, but also liked the effect of Strange Adventures #115.

  2. Not my pick as the best but undeniably a great cover.

    The number of candidates for #116 much reduced from #115. The pick is Tomahawk. Look at this cover and marvel again. The still single-highest CGC 9.6 copy sold for $1975 in 2015. They got their money’s worth.

    The two runners up are Strange Tales and Unexpected. Unexpected was drawn by a guy named Neal Adams, I feel like I’ve heard that name somewhere before.

    All covers were considered for the JOWA and it goes to: yes, Superman again. This is the DC hand prototype issue.

  3. The Cap #115 cover is indeed a striking cover.Once you see, it you can’t forget it. This Big John Buscema fill in issue before Gene Colan took over is one of my all time favorite issues ever.It was in Big Johns peak period of 1969 when he was doing full pencils and brother Sal was doing fantastic inks over his pencils.
    I would have loved to see Big Johns version of this cover.

  4. Great Pick Walt. And Chris…you had me rushing to see Tomahawk 116…and boy it was worthy too. I don’t have a single comic related item in my bedroom….but Id frame The Tomahawk 116 cover and proudly display it.
    Thanks for pointing out Comic Den that Cap 115 is a Buscema cover. Id forgotten that. Those two brothers were beauty’s and a big reason Marvel survived Kirby’s exit.

  5. I also checked out the Tomahawk 116 and can’t ever recall seeing it in my nearly 50 years of flicking thru comic bins! A real winner there. As for being through with Cole….I do really love that Blue Bolt 117…but we will have to see what competition it has.

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