Covered 365: Day 151

Unexpected #151, DC Comics, October 1973 – Artist: Nick Cardy.

I feel like this is a good time to look back and reflect on our little project so far.

I’ve been surprised by the strength of the DC Romance Comic covers of the late 60s into the mid 70s, it seems like 2 to 3 a day are worthy to at least take note of. I look daily into the 1980s for great covers but they’ve been few and far between.

I’m trying hard, as is evident with yesterday’s pick, to not fall into a pattern of same old same old. I think I need to be more open minded to all the genres/eras. There are tons of great covers coming our ways and I have to be willing to explore the breadth of creativity these great artists have given us.

After having said all that I picked a relatively safe cover in Unexpected #151. Nick Cardy has been one of the surprise hits of this whole project, going in I would not have suspected we’d have Nick among the leaders of covers featured.

Detective Comics #151 is a great cover as is the cover to Strange Adventures #151. High up there for me is the cover to Amazing Spider-Man #151 with yet another classic and timeless Spider-Man pose. House of Secrets #151 is great too.

Whoa, don’t leave this post just yet. I have a homework assignment for everyone. Take a look at the cover to Love Stories #151 (below the Unexpected cover). Yes, you guessed it, I need the captions filled in please, add your quotes into the comments field. I’ll start.

Ted: Sorry Gail, I think I’m still in love with her

Gail: Me too Ted, me too…

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1842


  1. Despite my disappointment in not seeing the classic Amazing Spider-Man #151 cover win the day, I have to acknowledge that Walt’s choice is a worthy selection. Unexpected 151 is just a strong cover, with fantastic imagery, and another one I had never seen before this column, which always adds to the excitement.

    However, ASM #151 remains as one of my all-time Spider-Man covers, and carries huge nostalgia value for me, as I remember having a grade school folder with the cover image of ASM #151 on the outside (I think my other folders were the Captain America “Madbomb” cover and a Thor #229 hammer-strike cover).

    I also thought Chris’s recommended Superboy 151 cover was a great image as well, and the composition was outstanding. What else can you expect from Mr. Adams.

    For your Love Stories cover captions:

    The Guy says: “I’m Steve Austin, the $6 million dollar man! How can she choose that “Archie” look-a-like over me?!”

    And the girls says: “Um, Steve? Exactly what parts had to be rebuilt…?”

  2. Captions: Guy – “What a dork! He’ll never get any girl!” Girl – Too late! I already had his baby!”

  3. Ted: Who cares about them. I’m a doctor. We have 206 bones in our bodies.

    Gail: I’d like 207.

  4. Ted…. ” That blonde vixen is kissing that Loser who thought this whole lame “Covered” thing up”
    Gail, ” Romance comic Aficionado;s are Damn sexy Ted “

  5. Male Character: Where did that idiot learn to kiss?
    Female character: You’ve got something in your hair.

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