Year’s End
Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2025 brings everyone health and happiness, and huge stacks of great old comics. We saw the majority of the market continue its value slide, as we’ve said many times, it is a correction from…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2025 brings everyone health and happiness, and huge stacks of great old comics. We saw the majority of the market continue its value slide, as we’ve said many times, it is a correction from…
Listen up loyal listeners! Today Chris decided to come up with 12 terrifying questions to test Walt’s knowledge of the comic collecting industry. Can you do better than Walt did? Did you keep track of the way Chris kept score?…
This week Chris and Walt are joined by a long-time fan of the show John Bitterman. John was a good sport and endured a lot, sitting between the boys and chiming in it seemed always at the right time. Please…
This week Chris and Walt poke at the rumor that Disney wants to buy DC Comics. What would that look like? Is it a good thing or is it a bad thing? It sure does open a lot of doors…
I have to be thankful for these posts, they allow me to spend a couple of hours every week enjoying music I don’t usually have enough time for. I put my headphones on and dive down the rabbit holes. It’s…
Big B Comics is in lockdown as are all other non-essential shops in Ontario, Canada. We are relying on mail-order business and curb-side pick-ups. As a team we had a meeting and decided that we will not let anybody go,…
My pal Chris and I were talking comics the other day and we got into it about the Silver Age and Marvel vs. DC. He asked me what was DC Comics’ greatest creation of the 1960s? I quickly said “that’s…
Mystery in Space #1, DC Comics, April/May 1951. This week’s Undervalued Spotlight has been on my radar for a while, two recent sales results have convinced me it was time to dust off and shine this week’s Spotlight on Mystery…
Superman: Red Son #1, DC Comics, 2003. I remember back in 2003 at the Wizard World Chicago Con, I scoured the con and bought up every copy I could find of this week’s Undervalued Spotlight, Superman: Red Son #1. Red…
Flash #186, DC Comics, March 1969. Artist: Ross Andru. Ross Andru packs a visual wallop with his cover to Flash #186. This book has always stood out in the Flash run. Adam Hughes keeps working his magic with Wonder Woman #186.…
Detective Comics #184, DC Comics, June 1952. Artist: Win Mortimer. Revisiting some popular past Covered 365 themes with today’s books. First lets see what lies at the end of the Rainbow, how about a great Win Mortimer Detective #184 delivering…
Flash #175, DC Comics, December 1967, Artist: Carmine Infantino and Al Plastino. It simply has to be another Flash. Flash #175 is the strongest of the batch, jet black background, two principle characters in a heated race, a striking image easily…
Flash #174, DC Comics, November 1967, Artist: Carmine Infantino. I know it’s just a bunch of really tall letters that spell FLASH but I’ve always loved Flash #174, it gets me thinking of all those great Will Eisner SPIRIT covers. Wonder…
Wonder Woman #172 (1987), DC Comics, September 2001, Artist: Adam Hughes . Wonder Woman #172, beautiful yet somber, you feel like you shouldn’t be looking. Hey check out that Casper #172 pic, the cover reminded me of Maple Leaf goalies come…
Batman #171, DC Comics, May 1965, Artist: Carmine Infantino . Carmine Infantino’s cover to Batman #171 is recognizable from across the convention floor, such a standout, I’ve owned a few but I’ll always remember seeing a copy in Boston maybe 20…
Wonder Woman #165 (1987 Series), DC Comics, February 2001. Artist: Adam Hughes. I thought Day 165 was a weak one, luckily we had Adam Hughes step up with what I think is one of his finest covers. Note how the…
Detective Comics #164, DC, October 1950 – Artist: Win Mortimer. Finally a runaway winner. With Detective Comics #164 Win Mortimer whips up a classic Batman and Robin cover that’s seen renewed demand in this cover crazy market. I’m telling you…
Superboy #163, DC Comics, March 1970 – Artist: Neal Adams. There were a few good candidates today and I picked think I picked right. Neal Adams does amazing work on the cover of Superboy #163. I had it narrowed down…
Robin #162, DC, July 2007 – Artist: Patrick Gleason. Robin #162 gives us a striking image that works beautifully aesthetically, I really like the way this cover turned out. Mighty Mouse gives us another cool cover this time with robots!…
Adventure Comics #160, DC Comics, January 1951 – Artist: Al Wenzel. Norman Rockwell? No, Al Wenzel! I like the cover to Adventure Comics #160 because it epitomizes what comic books were and are, escapism. Stuck in a real world traffic…