Covered 365: Day 172

Wonder Woman #172 (1987), DC Comics, September 2001, Artist: Adam Hughes .

Wonder Woman #172, beautiful yet somber, you feel like you shouldn’t be looking.

Hey check out that Casper #172 pic, the cover reminded me of Maple Leaf goalies come playoff time.

I also included a pic of Hulk #172 with the Juggernaut. The issue before had Abomination and Rhino and I love it when Hulk is joined by other big fellas!

It’s another damn turkey on the cover of Famous Funnies #172! Strange Tales #172 harkens back the the old Silver Streak Claw covers. I also liked Avengers #172.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Bud Plant
Bud Plant
5 years ago

Hard to go wrong with Adam Hughes, but so soon after the last one? I love the Casper, Harvey and Warren Kremer really did thoughtful spoofs on his unique aspects of being a ghost. The Hulk cover, I dunno, don’t like the art much, too crowded and the focal point got lost.

But I always like to see the other considerations.

Chris Meli
5 years ago

Typo in title, we are on #172.

I liked that Hulk cover a lot but passed on it because I don’t see enough story element. I can’t agree on Avengers, too many negatives: floating heads, no story, standing around cover.

Wow #173 is bad. I like Detective but that’s mainly because I love these rare Detectives, not because it is a “great” cover. I also like Wonder Woman (1987), but it doesn’t stand up to #172.

Instead of making a real pick for a “great” #173, I want to say that the cover that most impressed me was Blackhawk. This is a Plan 9 From Outer Space cover. It is so bad that I like it. Tarzan first appeared in 1912, and rightly his cover appearances on Tip Top in the 1930s and Dell’s Tarzan #1 are seeing some real appreciation of late. He spawned many imitators including the famous Kanga of Jungle Comics, who in turn inspired many phenomenal covers by the great Fiction House artists. And in 1962 we received: Super Jungle Man. Aside from some sort of super-strength, this is about as limp and generic an imitation as could be imagined. Blackhawk has arrived “just in time” to formally entomb any last vestige of meaning or excitement for his eponymous title.

My second-hand copy of the DC Archives Blackhawk is on its way. I am now afraid that on reading each page of that reportedly great set of early Blackhawk stories I will be thinking about where this illustrious crew of heroes ends up: with Super Jungle Man.

Gerald Eddy
Gerald Eddy
5 years ago

Whoa! I think we are finally going to see some market place movement on those dormant Blackhawk issues as Chris gets into those archives!
I agree this Hughes cover is a pretty intimate moment in the lives of our superheroes. What I like best is it isn’t what is expected of Hughes…another romp to the bakery for a slice of cheesecake… although I can’t ’ see if Supes has a fork in his hand! I also like the Hulk cover and think its better the the previous issue!

David Mackay
David Mackay
5 years ago

What alarmed me was the $3.75 cents for a 2001 WW comic. Yikes. That price point surely scared many a collector off. Maybe not all at once…but over time….all out war on our pocket books indeed. Eight week later you’d be lucky to get ten cents from a dealer 🙁
Thus the plight of today’s comics

David Mackay
David Mackay
5 years ago

Hey Walt…Casper must play for the Serbian world Hockey team….wannabe hockey players with a ghosts chance of competing. Ah well, you still have Djokovic and Ana Ivanovic and Jelena Janković and Bojana Jovanovski
certainly consolation in that 🙂