Covered 365: Day 243

Superman #243, DC Comics, October 1971, Artist: Neal Adams.

I tried so hard not to pick this cover, but this boy from the Balkans knows what he likes and I really like Neal Adams’ cover to Superman #243.

Apologies to Pat Boyette as I didn’t give him proper credit for yesterday’s Blackhawk #242 (since fixed), my guy Pat comes back even harder with a fantastic cover to Blackhawk #243, how can you not be a Charlton fan!

John Byrne’s cover to Fantastic Four #243 has always been a fan favorite and why not, full frontal of the bad boy Galactus with the puny Earthings buzzing around him like flies.

On a tip from a comment from Chris in yesterday’s post I had a closer look at the Spectacular Spider-Man #243 cover by Luke Ross. As a thumbnail I would have missed it but have a closer look, it is a great cover.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1838


  1. Well… the only cover here I don’t care for a lot is Spider-Man… Jazzy Johnny Romita would never have given Spidey such a pointy chin!

  2. The composition is great… I love the villains but also think the background color could have been a few shades lighter to make those guys pop more. These digital colorists tend to overdo the color saturation. In real life we just don’t see thing like that. Then there is the pointy chin.

  3. Klaus, my feeling was that Adams’s anatomical focus was very reminiscent of Frazetta’s.

    Some pretty good ones for #244 but Batman beats all by a wide margin. While it’s still not my style, this Four Color Brownies might be a bit better than the last one mentioned.

    Not only do we get a giant hand (FF), but also a giant foot (Hulk).

    JOWA to Detective for “Batarang X”.

  4. Supe 243 wouldn’t sell today, she’s not bare assed. It’s a very disturbing trope in today’s comics especially the independents. Nice colouring on Spidey but agree with Gerald.

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