Covered 365: Day 258

Amazing Spider-Man #258, Marvel Comics, February 1984, Artist: Ron Frenz.

It was tough slogging today, I liked a few covers but I didn’t love any of them.

My winner today is Ron Frenz’s cover to Amazing Spider-Man #258, which costume will Peter pick, of will the costume pick him?

Jim Lee gives us a strong battle cover on X-Men #258, get Wolverine some Barbasol for those legs!

I do like that Superman #258 cover by Nick Cardy, funny but I don’t remember ever really holding one of these in my hands.

I also like the cover to Captain America #258, Mike Zeck gives us a cover barely able to contain Captain America.

Big Hand alerts on Fantastic Four #258 and Iron Man #258, strong hands say a lot about the man.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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David H
David H
5 years ago

This day isn’t as bad as you think. You made four good choices, and they really pop out when they are placed together like this

Gerald Eddy
Gerald Eddy
5 years ago

I think you pulled it off as well Walt. As Chris noted yesterday… the Worlds Finest loses because off all the text at the top… and while the gag is good on the Archie, I feel the artwork is a bit flat compared to some of its earlier covers.

tim hammell
tim hammell
5 years ago

Cap does a Spidey! These are all good, I like the Superman the best, Jim Lee has impressive anatomy skills.

5 years ago

Not my top spot pick, but okay. I think Uncanny is tops with Cap 2nd, but at least you have them here. I also like the Tom Palmer Avengers cover, something about Firelord I just like everytime I see the character, even though it seems nothing has really been done with him.
For Day 259 I’m going with Heavy Metal with it’s blue battle babes. Standing around cover or not, me likey. AND it’s ‘sky blue’ 😛
Oh, I can’t choose it because it’s a ‘magazine’? All righty then, for ‘comic’ cover I’ll choose Blackhawk?! Yep, Howard Chaykin redeems a Blackhawk cover in my eyes. Yes it does do a number on the eyes, darting about to see the action of what’s going on, the more I look the more I like.
Runner’s up are Daredevil, Marvel Tales, Spectacular Spiderman, and Yardin on double duty for X-Factor and X-men Legacy 50th Anniversary Variant.
JOWA goes to Flash with his ‘pimp slap’ cover. Followed by Superman getting beat up by the same kid he ‘gave’ his powers to. How about World’s Finest showing the separatist attitudes of Superman and Batman?
WWWP? Hopefully not the Christmas covers, but you know his affinity for them. 😉

Chris Meli
5 years ago

Getting to this late but I want to keep my streak. I figured you would pick that ASM, particularly because of the background. Not bad but not great. Same goes for the other picks that I didn’t mention yesterday. These are all solid hero book covers.

For tomorrow, C.K. and I are really on the same wavelength. That Heavy Metal is high quality for standing around. But I wouldn’t have strayed from the pure comics, and (shockingly after the record here), I also vote for Blackhawk for tomorrow. Walt should dig this one because the pick is mainly for the visual effect.

We are sort of on the same wavelength about runners up, but I would start with another, which is FF.

What’s with the same issue number of Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge (four years apart) both featuring hang gliders?

No shortage of giant hands: the runners up FF and Spectacular Spider-Man, and also Spawn.

Also no shortage of JOWA material, my choice is the Nazi gladiator on Unknown Soldier.