Covered 365: Day 259

Blackhawk #259, DC Comics, June 1983, Artist: Howard Chaykin.

I’m super impressed by Howard Chaykin’s cover to Blackhawk #259, I’ll be honest and say I wasn’t even aware of this cover, now I want one.

David Yardin endlessly impresses me with his use of color, another example is this captivating cover to X-Factor #259.

At a quick glance I thought the cover to Marvel Tales #259 was by McFarlane, well its by George Perez and I like the ambition of it, lots of visual effects going on.

I like John Byne’s strong Doom cover to Fantastic Four #259, he really had a great run on FF didn’t he.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1843


  1. It was one of those days were it seemed difficult to pick a winner, but only one of Walt’s selections was among my choices.
    I really like Fantastic Four #259 – I always give bonus points for Dr. Doom covers – and agree with Walt’s comment that John Byrne had an outstanding run on a flagship title.

    My other contenders were:

    • Daredevil #259: Not big JR Jr fan, but I have liked several issues among the recent run of DD covers.

    • Thor #259: Like the action and variety of characters across this melee cover.

    • House of Mystery #259: This run of HOM covers is appealing, and this one has a great effect tearing at every kid’s nightmare.

    • Four Color #259: I have enjoyed several of Walt’s Four Color picks lately, and I think this one deserves some consideration.

    And I second the nomination from Chris – Unknown Soldier #259 deserves a JOWA. Maybe this is what Indiana Jones’s “airplane fight” opponent was doing in Berlin before being sent to North Africa.

  2. I echo yesterday in you have pulled out some covers and made the day! While Chaykin is usually a hit or miss for me this one I really like. While I am unfamiliar with the X-Factor characters… I have to ask… is the central character Dazzler without her makeup?

  3. The Blackhawk is clearly the standout, and you picked my runner up so all is well.

    Nothing great for #260. I will pick the unusual House of Mystery which I understand has something to do with the Toronto housing market. My runner up is FF. Spectacular Spider-Man is cool but I can’t figure out what is going on. I have a vested interest in Detective but I would dig it anyway as another goofy but cool and colorful Swan piece from the immediate post-Code period.

    JOWA to Uncanny X-Men where the villain seems to share a common interest with Walt.

  4. Chris, those blasted Hog Towners are moving in droves to the Hammer, selling high there and buying cheap here. It’s helped our real estate market but traffic suddenly sucks.

    Gerald, I’ll let that Dazzler slight go this time…

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