Covered 365: Day 26

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Day 26 – Captain Aero Comics, Artist – L.B. Cole.

L.B Cole is a titan, he went through many distinctive style phases and this deco sci fi stuff is my favourite.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Chris Meli
5 years ago

We part ways on this one. I won’t reiterate everything I said about #8, but my feeling is similar – this is a nice colorful pop art cover, but not what I think of as a great _comic book_ cover. I have this feeling about many current covers as well. The talent behind many of the current painted DC covers is amazing, in some ways far beyond any talent displayed in comics until the modern era, but that doesn’t make them great _comic book_ covers in my perhaps narrow determination. For this exercise I am going to work with in the genre: opening paragraph, three body paragraphs, conclusion paragraph.

Next a request – can you write down your runners up? This exercise has already been very educational for me, so I would like to take it further. For example, that #20 was totally off my radar, but now I really appreciate the art of the light vs. shadow, and also realize how tough that book is in high grade.

I am still trying to move far enough into the future that my suggestions might be of use. My #29s:

Captain Marvel
DC Special
Our Fighting Forces
Weird Science Fantasy [which is probably my #1 pick, but close to the “not _comic book_ cover” line]

5 years ago

I kinda had a sneaky feeling you where going to pick this one Walt.

C. K.
C. K.
5 years ago

Not sure what’s with all the old stuff, maybe it’s a generational plan. January, the beginning of the comic era as we know it. February, the evolution to super-heroes. March……. You get my thinking, but is it your thinking? Personally, a small handful have actually made me go ‘Wow!’/’Neato!’ or such. Yesterday’s was just gross, and the one before that with the villian burning the head of the woman on the stove, just poor taste in any era for a cover, I just didn’t say so until now. I hope this improves soon. PLUS: Good on you for taking up such a herculian task as this daily post for a solid year.