Covered 365: Day 269

Blackhawk #269, DC Comics, April 1984, Artist: Dan Spiegle.

A whole crop of palatable covers today, my winner is Dan Spiegle’s cover to Blackhawk #269 for the sheer audacity and perhaps for biting off a bit more than he could chew. Would have loved to see this drawn by Alex Schomburg or Bob Fujitani.

The simplicity and rich colors of Russell Schroeder’s Donald Duck #269 cover draw you in and don’t let you go, great eye candy.

Remember that KISS Marvel Comics Super Special from 1977? When the boys in the band mixed their blood in with the printing ink? Well Jim Aparo obviously drank the Cool Aid and used one of his copies as inspiration for his cover to House of Mystery #269.

Veronica Lodge and Betty Cooper were contemporaries of Rosie the Riveter so Jeff Shultz’s homage to Westinghouse’s second most famous employee ever is something too cool for school, great poster art.

Colin MacNeil came close to the truth with his cover to Conan #269, real close.

I know its just a hanging around cover but I like Nick Cardy’s Superman #269

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1842


  1. Always liked the cover of Batman #269 by Ernie Chan, so I am sticking with it as my choice.

    But Amazing Spider-Man #269 was a close second. It has been a very weak run of recent ASM covers, but this one delivers an elevated view of great action scene. I even like the black costume on this cover.

    That Betty and Veronica #269 cover is fantastic! Strong colors and a brightness about it that goes beyond the colors and comes from the smiles & the eyes – really nice.

    The Blackhawk cover was fun on first look – but I think Walt is right, it seemed to fall short in the execution.

    I am not sure what I make of the HofM cover – goofy and all that – but for those of us who were growing up in the age of KISS know this is exactly what our parents thought was going to happen, so I enjoyed it.

    Captain America seized the JOWA today with multiple levels of awfulness – concept, scene, and total lack of originality with a complete swipe of Evel Knievel’s image and misuse of the UNCF motto.

  2. The Blackhawk was definitely channeling those 40’s Air Fighters covers! Ducks done well are always well received! HoM…guess you WOULD have been a KISS fan… something awkward on Conan but did give the old college try… and I actually like the hanging Supes cover despite three of the poses similar. On Derricks choice of Batman… I wonder if Electra knows her dress got stolen!

  3. Hey Walt… not to get off topic, but your more likely to see it here… whats happening with Comic Culture?

  4. The right choice! I already weighed in on most of the others. Nix on the Superman mobile.

    #270 is Uncanny X-Men albeit with a bit of visual confusion.

    A number of JOWA candidates but I think the award clearly goes to MacNeil’s follow-up to today’s Conan, with even more MacNeil face. Runner up to sad Namor on The Avengers.

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