Daredevil #288, Marvel Comics, January 1991. Artist: Lee Weeks.
I bet you the 1990s have the least amount of daily prize covers so far, but first time winner Lee Weeks helps the decade out with his ominous scene on the cover of Daredevil #288.
I like Keith Giffen’s art and I like what he tried to do on the cover of Legion of Superheroes #288.
I wanted not to like Mike Zeck’s Captain America #288 but the more I looked at it the more I liked it, Zeck is a beast.
I’m not sure what Ed Hannigan was going for on the cover of World’s Finest #288, I feel like he just missed the mark, confusing but it caught my eye.
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walt has been on a strong roll lately with a lot picks and honorable mentions that I really liked (even though travel prevented comment), but I think today belonged to House of Mystery #288 which is a cool cover with great art and strong effect.
I did like the Daredevil #288 cover above and the Legion #288 cover, but thought HofM was a stronger presentation.
Hmmm… after Daredevil… Walt has a theme of big faces going… Legion leaves me cold… Cap looks like Zardoz… Worlds Finest is ok and Derrick is right… HoM belongs on this list!
Wow, is Kingpin ever off scale. He looks like he’s wearing an iron lung. Terrible head to body ratio.
For some reason World’s Finest is printed backwards, signatures are reversed. Seems Bats and Supes are inside the globe with the creature on the outside though I suppose it could be reversed.
The more I look at the DD the more I like it, but I still go with the HoM. Thumbs down on the others.
Nothing great again for #289. My top pick again is HoM. More evidence of Kubert’s versatility. (On the other hand the recent war covers have been way tired.) I always liked this Batman even though it is a Grell and Batman himself isn’t rendered too well. I also like this Uncle Scrooge.
I would have picked up this Four Color if I’d seen it – a good cover and certainly controversial in title and presentation.
The Hulk’s face on Incredible Hulk and The Sandman’s face on Marvel Tales are both JOWA worthy, but of course the creepy (but not unique!) Action takes it by a landslide. All she needed was the secret identity Linda Lanvers.
That 289 Marvel Tales needs another category…CWBA… covers with bad art!