Covered 365: Day 316

Amazing Spider-Man #316, Marvel Comics, June 1989. Artist: Todd McFarlane.

Day #316 gave us a modern era classic and then a bunch of meh covers.

There is no denying Todd McFarlane’s Amazing Spider-Man #316 cover, next to ASM #300 this is the most sought after book in this era of the run.

I’ve included Mike del Mondo’s cover to Wolverine #316 because I liked the ambition behind it, the execution I thought fell a bit short, perhaps it was the colour scheme, the hues? I liked what he was going for though.

Kevin Kobasic’s cover to Daredevil #316 made the list because it was different, another attempt at something unique. I also picked it because it reminded me of grade 10 art class when I never had enough time to finish my art projects.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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4 years ago

Walter, Superman 317 is the best cover for tomorrow.

4 years ago

Amazing Spider-Man #316 is an overwhelming cover – jumps right out and overpowers you like Venom did poor Spidey. The background & color also works pushing the characters forward from the page.

Another McFarlane moment that continued Spidey’s ascent back to greatness that began with the wedding to Mary Jane, followed by the Kraven Saga and Mad Dog storylines, and then McFarlane’s run.

The only blemish on this cover is the terrible banner “The Non-Mutant Superhero!” – hated it then and now.

tim hammell
tim hammell
4 years ago

Isn’t Spidey a mutant superhero – radioactive spider infusion/mutation stuff??

Pencil sketch covers seem to be a trend now, was this DD the first one?

Gerald Eddy
Gerald Eddy
4 years ago

Hey… I can get behind these choices! Each has its own creative merit with the Wolverine snd the Daredevil pushing the boundaries the most. I am sure its Venoms smile of superiority that sold that book!