Covered 365: Day 320

Doh!!!! Just realized I posted this a day early – apologies.

X-Men #320, Marvel Comics, January 1995. Artist: Mike Joe Madureira.

Joe Madureira gives us such a great sense of motion on his cover to X-Men #320, the more I look at it the more I like it.

Scott McDaniel gives us a unique and strong cover to Daredevil #320.

Maike Kaluta’s cover to House of Mystery #320 shows us how to use light and dark, nice work.

I really wanted to love Ron Frenz’s cover to Fantastic Four #320, I mean it has all the makings of a classic, the Hulk and the Thing battling all in the shadows of Dr. Doom! I ended up only liking it.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Dave Mackay
Dave Mackay
4 years ago

Uncanny Xmen #320…flat…poor coloring and easily ignored. I don’t see anyone framing this baby and hanging it on their bedroom wall Walt… would get lost very quickly in your 1$ discount bins

Gerald Eddy
Gerald Eddy
4 years ago

When I saw the picture I thought it was ElfQuest!! DD is good and FF would have been pretty darn good but has problems with color definition. I assume this was during the return if Gray Hulk… so that may be the crux of the problem. I am surprised the HoM wasn’t another “ I Vampire “ but I know the title was on the verge of cancellation at this point.

Chris Meli
4 years ago

It’s easy to catch up these days so I went back and looked at everything and I agree with your pick, but really nothing was great. I think Detective’s mummy Batman and Robin is really my favorite cover of the day.

Nothing great for #321. My pick for the best is Batman but Superman is at the same level – good efforts but that’s it.