House of Secrets #92 – DC Comics, July 1971 – Artist: Bernie Wrightson (pencils and inks)
I feel like I’m cheating with this one but how do I not pick it?
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

I couldn’t think if a better choice myself and it was the beginning for an important character for DC. I checked out the prices on this book on eBay after the comment yesterday and was floored at how expensive its become. Guess I did alright spending my dime at the used comic counter at my local bike shop as a teen!
I could think of a better choice and I gave them to you yesterday. I will give you personally the benefit of the doubt because you picked HoS #89 because you like those Charlton romance covers. This looks a lot like those books – I wouldn’t even touch those pulpy, grainy books on the spinner racks, I would spin the rack by holding the metal to avoid touching them. Now I can appreciate them in a kitschy way, but again in this case all I see is a weak Wrightson that gets a lot of attention because it introduced Quagmire Entity or whatever he’s called.
Let’s move on past this unpleasant episode and look forward to #93. A number of interesting possibilities here – you understand that I would like to choose Adventure #93 but I just can’t. I really have to go with Feature Comics. The tension of the scene, executed sparely and expertly, is really singular.
My other picks:
Brave and the Bold (runner up)
G.I. Combat
Note that I would _not_ pick Wings (certainly less interesting than the prior Wings choices), nor would I pick Tales to Astonish (not Marie Severin’s finest hour, particularly the depiction of the Hulk).