Avengers #223, Marvel Comics, September 1982. Artist: Ed Hannigan.
For you guys that follow the Undervalued Spotlight you might have suspected I would pick this. Ed Hannigan’s cover is awesome, Nuff said.
Nice to see Andy Warhol do a cover for X-Men: Legacy #222, no wait it’s Frank Miller’s old 1982 cover to Wolverine Ltd. #1. Maybe Andy did some prints?
Four Color #223 by Carl Barks is another example of that Golden Age art that leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy.
I also liked Thor #223 and considered Tarzan #223 but didn’t like the girl’s indifference.
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Whats not to like about Tarzan 223 Walt? The girl’s indifference is all you noticed?
David, I don’t see the girl’s indifference either, on Tarzan 223, she looks stressed to me. If she doesn’t get speared, then having bare feet in the jungle will surely test her pain threshold. Ouch! But Kubert proves he can draw feet, many an artist’s challenge. What I wonder is where’s this “Pit of Doom”? Looks like a mountainside to me.
I want to like this Avengers cover, the concept is good, but the more I look, the weirder the perspective becomes. Like it was shot with a fish-eye lens. Ant-man’s hands are pretty big.
What’s not to like on the Duck cover…but I am biased since the square egg story is an all-time classic. Don Rosa even took the crew back there in one if his stories. That would have been my pick as best today, and I think even without bias, it holds up best.
You seem to have a Tarzan bias, missing some of Kubert’s best work. I could have easily picked #207, 209-212, 220 and 222. Still a few mire chances to redeem yourself.
Good Choice Walt. Unlike the nay-sayers, the perspective makes sense. Stand in front of a mirror in a near super-man position and see how big your hands look compared to your head. As to Tarzan, yikes! That is NOT how you draw feet. His left foot looks like a hand, and the right one is only marginally better than a Liefeld foot because it has toe lines, but it’s squared off / angular like crazy! Add to that his under-roos and the spider-man level wall climbing and you have a ‘nope’ cover in my opinion.
…More chances…
Perhaps Kubert’s Tarzan is an acquired taste. I loved it as a kid and love it now
To both Davids, I think I have separate biases to Kubert and to Tarzan. Kubert has a style all his own and I do love some of the war stuff he did it’s just that most of the Tarzan covers have these over the top animals he’s fighting on the cover and… well they just weren’t on my list. My pal Dave Mackay likes Tarzan so right away I think the character must be off in some way.
I vote the Ducks! If…and only if… the artist WAS suggesting Warhol… which I have no way if knowing IF he knew his work…Wolverine would have been in high contrast… so. No for not doing it right… I looked at the Kubert and the damsel didn’t look off to me but it was only ok compared to his other covers. I agree… there is something off in the Avengers cover… but the concept is fun although as Chris points out is a used concept.
You know my thoughts on Tarzan but I can buy the Four Color as a pick. I didn’t look too closely at it before.
To Bud’s/CK’s dispute, I just have to say that any Kubert feet are probably better than those of Flash #190.
I don’t think the X-Men Legacy merits a mention, clearly a “we need a cover in an hour” result.
Few choices for #224 and no standout again. While I am not much for the later McFarlane, I dig his Marvel Tales cover and I’ll pick it. Cartoony but in a good way. A close second was Strange Adventures – if there was just a tad more action in this I would have chosen it. Conan is another standard scenario but well done, and I particularly dig the giant rat monster. Batman and Captain America are sort of similar – I love the art on the Captain America, but the lack of clear story, little action etc. keep me from picking it.
Bud, I’m assuming the Pit of doom is what Tarzan is climbing down to, carrying the lovely Jane Porter, narrowly escaping the Beast Men of Opar. ” I am sorry, But… this woman and I were fated for each other… from the beginning of time” (Tarzan)
A masterpiece of comic creation, following ERB’ s masterpiece quite loyally.
At the time of publishing, only the Bible was as widely circulated in the world, as was ERB’s Tarzan Adventures. What romantic adventure. What Joy.
If my friend Walt would only collect issues of Kuberts Tarzan and share them with an unsuspecting public as sets, what awesomeness they would discover. Wal’ts last best chance not to go to Hades, I’m sure… 🙂