Funny Animal Comics
A few weeks ago I posted about how slow and neglected the Western genre was and asked what would it take to reignite general interest. This week I want to look at that other slow and neglected genre, Funny Animal…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A few weeks ago I posted about how slow and neglected the Western genre was and asked what would it take to reignite general interest. This week I want to look at that other slow and neglected genre, Funny Animal…
Amazing Spider-Man #328, Marvel Comics, January 1990. Artist: Todd McFarlane. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. I really wasn’t happy with…
Donald Duck #319, Gemstone Pub., September 2004. Artist: Marco Rota. I wasn’t happy with Day 319, so I protested and I picked the cover that made me smile. Marco Rota’s cover to Donald Duck #319 made me think “yeah, I’ve…
House of Mystery #318, DC Comics, July 1973. Artist: Mike Kaluta. It was tough to pick a winner for Day 318, there were some good covers but not one was great. I went with Mike Kaluta’s cover to House of…
House of Mystery #270, DC Comics, July 1979, Artist: Joe Orlando. We’ve seen variations on this theme before, most famously on the cover of Suspense Comics #3, Joe Orlando’s ambitious attempt at the scene on the cover of House of…
Uncle Scrooge #263, Walt Disney, February 1992, Artist: Don Rosa. Any one of these would have handily won the day yesterday. I was always a Carl Barks guy until someone years ago showed me a hardcover book celebrating Don Rosa’s…
Four Color #256, Eastern Color, December 1949, Artist: Carl Barks. What do you get when you add lots of sky blue to a great Carl Barks drawing? Walt’s cover of the day! Four Color #256 is feel-good comic art from…
Avengers #223, Marvel Comics, September 1982. Artist: Ed Hannigan. For you guys that follow the Undervalued Spotlight you might have suspected I would pick this. Ed Hannigan’s cover is awesome, Nuff said. Nice to see Andy Warhol do a cover…
Avengers #200, Marvel Comics, October 1980. Artist: George Perez. Here we are at another milestone, Day 200! This project has been so eye-opening, making me look at all covers way more closely than I did in the past. DC Comics…
There are certain comic books that you are supposed to have read. Ones that have critical and/or commercial success behind them. Books like Maus and Watchmen and Love & Rockets and The Dark Knight Returns. Things that you know you…
Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories #31, Dell Publishing, April 1943 What a difference 3 short decades can make. Back in 1982 in the 11th edition of the Overstreet Price Guide it was Donald Duck who ruled the roost. Of the…
Dell Giant Christmas Parade #1, Dell Publishing, November 1949 In late 1949 Dell had this great idea of throwing together a truly giant Christmas themed book of comics. Christmas Parade #1 was a whopping 132 pages thick and featured a…