Uncle Scrooge #263, Walt Disney, February 1992, Artist: Don Rosa.
Any one of these would have handily won the day yesterday.
I was always a Carl Barks guy until someone years ago showed me a hardcover book celebrating Don Rosa’s art. Amazing attention to details and his facial expressions. Now I’m a Barks and Rosa guy. Don Rosa’s talents are so evident on Uncle Scrooge #263.
José Delbo’s cover to Wonder Woman #263 is so great, better now that the subject matter is so offside.
Can there be a better Archie cover than Betty and Veronica #263? It’s just our love triangle with lots and lots of lipstick.
Speaking of Carl Barks, the master takes a bow with a beautiful cover on Four Color #263.
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

The more I look at that Wonder Woman the more I like it, but as a JOWA to rival some of the top covers of the award’s eponym’s title. Step aside, o hirsute Hulk.
Envy is understandable, but this is an exercise in ice cold objectivity, hence a thumbs down to Betty and Veronica.
#264 another bad number. After some study I am picking Action – hear me out. This is a very classical composition but there is a lot of meat – action (ha ha), compelling story, and reaction. Is Superman smashing the desk out of pure frustration, or has his transformation distorted his mind? Lois steals the show in the foreground. I want this one.
Jim Lee is now in the house so he delivers a good Uncanny X-Men that is an alternate pick, but nothing like a truly great Lee cover.
Glass shards on Batman. Thanks Gerald, now I can’t un-notice this.
I looked at that Wonder Woman and then noticed that they were SO they use almost the exact sane thing in the next issue! Archie is too airbrushed looking for me…but I like B&W movies too and have been criticized for it! Your welcome Chris… I am now referring to big hand covers as Melis!
That is they were so imaginative on WW…excuse the typo… I am so exited to be on a weekend trip and to be within an hours ride from Big B’s… if ny wife lets me go…
Gerald !! Let me know if you can make it up, another 45 minutes and you are in beautiful Hamilton! We’ll have a coffee and tell Meli stories…
And I thought you only drank soda water!
I really would like to but we will see what the better half has to say!