Comics And…

This week Chris and Walt try to help out the local comic book shop by recommending some complementary lines of business they could add to their product lines.

Please let us know what you thought of the show in the comments field below. Please remember to keep things polite and civil.

We’d love to hear your suggestions, Comics and … ??

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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3 years ago

Love it!

I like the ‘pick the wife up something…’

I present you with..

Cheese & Comics

Take the wife/hubby home a lovely brie with your batman or an asiago with your avengers? Something for them, something for you?

Gerald Eddy
Gerald Eddy
3 years ago

Well… when I finally get up there… I just better be looking for Big B’s Comics Bar! As far as cross sales… I can probably started my comics interest by being taken to a barber shop! I remember I liked a coverless comic there and they wouldn’t let me take it so that was when my father took me to the quickie mart near by and I got my first comic… FF Annual 2… the rest is history!
We had a former music cd distributor in the area who created two large stores that sold the latest big name comics, music, movies, games, and various apparel and electronics. Initially they did well… but now they are down to one small store… so… comics and booze (and cigars which I enjoy) sounds good to me… but yes… no pre-reads while smoking and guzzling! Yup… Big B’s Comics Bar…put that in my Google Maps soon… and with cross border gps unlike the first time I tried to go there… (wife still tells people about it… gak!)!