The Sound Will Come Out Tomorrow

Mr. Big Shot Chris Owen was busy these past few days so we’ll be recording later tonight and posting Thursday morning. You all know it will be well worth the wait…

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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2 years ago

This feels very reminiscent of John Lennon and the Beatles; it’s become evident to everyone that mentally, spiritually and culturally Chris has just matured to a much higher level and really needs to ‘drop the dead weight’ in order to continue his progression to full enlightenment.

nah…I’ll see you drongos tomorrow!

mel taylor
mel taylor
2 years ago

“Drongo?!” Spider, are you seriously trying to out-belligerent me, mate? I’m not even going to dignify your comments with a transliteration, but I can assure you that these gazebos are no fools.

I’m still not clear which Beatle you think which of our boys is. And, I’m still trying to figure out why either of us is commenting on a post that won’t show up until tomorrow.


2 years ago

grinks and droinks, all your geese aren’t honking!

Dave Mackay
Dave Mackay
2 years ago

That Chris Owen guy…”Why I Otta…..”

2 years ago

Curly: Let it be, let it be