Top 50 Silver Age Books

This week Chris and Walt do a hard-core comic collector’s show, they tackle the Overstreet Price Guide’s Top 50 Silver Age books and decide whether they are a buy or a sell.

Please let us know what you thought of the show in the comments field below, and please remember to keep it civil.

Do you disagree with some of our calls?

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1838


  1. Great show (one of your best) and of course you knew I would respond.

    Forecasting the future is hard, and you nailed most of it. I give you an A-.

    Of course Overstreet’s top 50 silver misses TTA 35, Superboy 68, Tec 233, B&B 29, ASM 11, TOS 1, WW 98, Hulk 3, Hot Stuff, the Little Devil 1, TTA 1, Showcase 34.

    OAAW 81, Flash 106, and many other comics should not be on this list. But they are high priced hold outs from the late 90s that Overstreet has trouble with reducing in price.

    Avengers 1, TOS 39 and FF 3 are sells, but you would be selling at a loss as these books are falling. So you may be right with the hold / keep.

    Of your sells Sgt. Fury has the greatest 5 year increase followed by Lois Lane 1, Showcase 14 & 17 – all at over 80% increase. Rarity still matters. And the Legion needs a movie!! Frankly Lois Lane is so bad I buy them every chance I get.

    Gobbledygook 1 (1984) has TMNT on the back cover, predates TMNT1, and sold at Hakes last auction for $70,390 in cgc9.0 with a sketch/ signature by Eastman & Laird, First fugitoid. 150 print run. Keep.

    The next best female DC characters, from my trusty list, are Batgirl, Catwoman and Supergirl.

    And… projected sale of AF 15 in 9.6 is $2.39 million. I am usually a bit low, so $2.5M plus is likely. Walt, you may be right at $3.2M.

  2. woohoo, Bronze next week!!!

    That was an fantastic display of Chris’s impressive knowledge of books!!! Well done, I’d still love to hear more about Chris’s university course!!!

  3. Geeeez Chris and Walt…you down graded and sold all my Keys 🙁

    Richie Rich 1, Sgt Fury !, Lois lane #1….sigh

  4. Long time lurker. Thanks for the great podcast. My first one. Looking forward to the bronze age

  5. Dave! I’m sorry. As much as I love Richie Rich, not many others do these days. And yeah… I’m even of Little Dot, Hot Stuff, and even Stumbo. Not so much Sad Sack though.

  6. I was enlightened, enraged, enthralled, appalled, saddened, yet satisfied! I thought it was spot on! Great show!

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