Auction Highlights #42 – ComicLink

The ComicLink July Focused Auction has just ended. Much like last month’s ComicLink auction this one was dominated by Silver Age Marvels. Only 3 DC books cracked the top 50 in terms of price realized...

ComicLink July Focused Auction

The ComicLink July Focused Auction has just ended. Much like last month’s ComicLink auction this one was dominated by Silver Age Marvels. Only 3 DC books cracked the top 50 in terms of price realized. The auction had no big blockbusters in it (only one book, a CGC 8.0 X-Men #1 topped $10,000). Still there were some interesting results. Let’s have a look as some of the deals that went down.

Journey Into Mystery #83, Marvel Comics (Aug/1962) Graded by CGC at 6.0 with Off White pages sold for $6,201.00 on ComicLink on July 28th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 6.0 is $2,550.00. Almost two and a half times guide! I think I’m the only guy (I guess the price guide is with me too) in comics who thinks this book is a bit overvalued. The market obviously disagrees with me. There are a total of 149 copies out there with a grade of 6.0 or better (the Fantastic Four #1 listed below is a lot scarcer) and these represent about 30% of the total supply of copies with a Universal CGG grade. Advantage seller.

Fantastic Four #1, Marvel Comics (Nov/1961) Graded by CGC at 6.0 with Off White to White pages sold for $8,666.00 on ComicLink on July 27th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 6.0 is $6,600.00. This solid copy realized 31% above guide value. As far as I’m concerned the buyer has just picked up one of the most important comic books ever published at a grade that will over time become the entry level to the higher end of the market. There are lots lower grade copies of FF #1 out there but an interesting fact is that the 104 copies graded 6.0 and better represent only 16.7% of the total supply of copies with a Universal CGC grade. Advantage buyer.

Hansi, The Girl Who Loved The Swastika nn, Spire Christian (1976) Graded by CGC at 9.6 with Off White to White pages sold for $130.00 on ComicLink on July 28th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $45.00. I am using the 1976 price here because the CGC header reads 1976 though the Overstreet Price Guide still notes only 49 cents as the cover price beside the 1976 price (1973 copy with the 39 cent cover price is listed at $80.00). Hansi is the most collected of the Spire Christian comics. Advantage buyer.

G.I. Combat #87, DC Comics (Apr-May/1961) Graded by CGC at 3.5 with Cream to Off White pages sold on ComicLink for $151.00 on July 28th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 3.5 is $175.00. OK, so a lower grade copy almost realizes the guide value. This is a very sought after book and high grade copies go for unbelievable money. Someone picked up a very solid and by the look of the scan a very presentable lower end copy for less than guide (even after factoring in shipping). A great pick up for anyone looking for graded key DC War books. Advantage buyer.

Doc Solar, Man of the Atom, Gold Key (Oct/62) Graded by CGC at 7.5 with Off White to White pages sold on ComicLink for $90.00 on July 27th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 7.5 is $110.00. This book was a big deal for Gold Key. Doc Solar was the publisher’s first original character. The book is highly sought after in the higher grades and it actually didn’t do too badly here. I think the actual scan of the book does not show well and discerning collectors may not have thought it a 7.5. As a graded 7.5 I’ll go with Advantage buyer.

Amazing Spider-Man #386 (Feb/1994) Graded by CGC at 9.8 with White pages sold for $7 on ComicLink on July 27th. Overstreet price guide value for this comic at 9.2 is $2.50. Man, I am feeling so guilty right now for selling this comic for $4 at the store ($4 CDN mind you). Still, $7 for a 9.8 White Page copy for a comic from the most collected title in comic books sounds to me like a pretty good deal! Advantage buyer.

These ComicLink Focused Auctions are still Marvel heavy. There were some very strong results considering the auction really didn’t have any marquee books available.

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Price Guide Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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