Collecting and Investing Tip #30

Convention Tip #8. So, you’ve saved up some extra cash and you’re planning to attend the next big comic con. There are a few glaring holes on your list and you’re all fired up about checking those issues

Prepare yourself for the convention season.

Yes, the convention season is about to kick into high gear and getting as prepared as you can will greatly increase your chances of buying wisely, having fun, maximizing your time and keeping your sanity. is offering up a series of convention prep tips that are designed to turn you into a lean mean con machine. You’ll learn to think with clarity, make good split second decisions, haggle with dealers and eat right along with many other needed skills that will enhance your convention experience. Usually tips like these on a DVD can cost $19.99 + S&H but CBD is posting them absolutely free.

Convention Tip #8 – Research your books!

So, you’ve saved up some extra cash and you’re planning to attend the next big comic con. There are a few glaring holes on your list and you’re all fired up about checking those issues off.

What issues are they for you. Iron Man #1? Batman #153? Amazing Fantasy #15? Alf #4, Elongated Man #2? It really doesn’t matter what issues you’ll be hunting down, what does matter is that you do a little bit of research on them before heading off to the con.

Buyer’s remorse sucks, especially when you find out you way overpaid for something, but it can be avoided with a little bit of research. There are a lot of resources available on the internet to help you come up with approximate values for the books you’re looking for.

GPAnalysis (GPA) is a website that tracks sales of CGC graded comics; it’s an excellent tool that will help you figure out what these comics are going for. There is a $9.95/month charge but if you use the site right it will be the best ten bucks you’ve ever spent. Their website is

The CGC grading company has a census feature on their website and this is an excellent tool for gauging scarcity of grade (CGC graded only). Using this site in tandem with the GPA site will really get you up to speed on trends and values. Their website is

Another great resource is eBay. Enter the books you are interested in and then see what they’ve been getting by going into the “completed items” option. This is a useful tool for gauging less expensive and non graded comics. Please note that you will usually be paying a bit more at the shows since all the dealers have overhead to consider.

Always bring with you the Overstreet Annual Price Guide. This is still the best tool for estimating values on less expensive and even more obscure items that are not often traded. Don’t leave home without it!

Use your head. If you’ve been to the last 6 conventions unable to find a comic and spot it at the 2nd booth you visit at this year’s con, GRAB IT! Comparison shopping the 27 copies of Amazing Spider-Man #129 at the con is one thing but don’t you dare walk away from that booth without that copy of Farmer’s Daughter #2 paid for and safely tucked away in your briefcase.

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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