My landlord is a heck of a nice guy, he gave me five extra days to finish up the move out of the warehouse. I appreciate the gesture but in hindsight I wish he never gave me those extra days. I had all these November 1st plans in my head, now they’re November 6th plans, doesn’t have quite the same ring, maybe I’ll wait until December 1st…

The processing of the “going to eBay auctions” pile continues with little concern for the warehouse move, this pile of books doesn’t want to hear me bitching about late nights and sore backs, this pile wants to get to market! I found my Cover of the Week about six books in, The Sinister House of Secret Love #1 is such a fantastic cover, pure DC Bronze Age Gothic Horror, this book is practically the poster child for the genre. I’m sure even Mr. Ramsay would approve of this stunning Victor Kalin painting. The jet black cover makes high grade copies very elusive, our copy is solid, it should do well on auction.

Our Splash Page of the Week comes out of Nick Fury #5, the classic Jim Steranko issue. The actual splash page for this issue is kind of lame but you go a few pages farther in and you’re accosted by this perplexing page. I don’t know what to think about this page, it kind of reminds me of what Jack Kirby was trying a few years before in the pages of Fantastic Four, but it still has Steranko elements. To me this page is more Kirby than Steranko and is an extremely interesting piece, a solid Splash Page of the Week.

Careful fella, watch your back. How can this not be our Ad of the Week? This masterclass in subliminal messaging is from Menace #3, May 1953. Girls of America, gain some pounds! Have a look around, this might be one of the most successful ads in the history of advertising.

Last night’s icecollectibles eBay auction was busy closing out over 150 lots, I was following a few items closely including the CGC 9.8 copy of Marvel Spotlight #28. It appears the correction is still in progress for these high grade Bronze Age minor keys, a Spotlight #28 was trading over $4,000 not too long ago, our copy earned just under $900 which was down from the last sale of $1070. The book is now trading in the range it was in the 2016 to 2019, for this book at least I think it’s now safe to go back in the water.

Brilliant! I laughed out loud over ‘world’s most successful ad campaign’ – even the wife laughed and trying to share anything comic related with that women is bound to be scoffed at, well done Walt!
Thanks Spider, this is a new high in my career, passing the wife test…