It’s always a relief when a big eBay featured auction ends, a lot of work goes into these things and seeing some great results come through makes it all worth while. Canadiana collectibles are still niche enough that you’ll have some of the not so glamorous stuff fall through the cracks but seeing some of the bigger items preform so well just reminds me that there is so much more work to do to spread the good word that these Canadian collectibles have a lot of growth still ahead of them. Thanks to all the bidders and congratulations to all the winners.
It’s Hallowe’en this week, please drive carefully, those little devils sometimes don’t look when they’re running across the street to score some candy. Actually we’re encouraging everyone to give comics away on Hallowe’en instead of candy, our store sign reads “Give Comics, Not Cavities”. Catchy eh? These 25 packs have been selling way better than we anticipated, we sold out of all the packs we made last week and had to make a whack more on the weekend to keep up with demand. Looking back to when I was out there trick or treating I know I would have gladly traded in one or two chocolate bars or bags of chips for one or two comic books. Imagine getting back home and laying on the carpet reading a great comic story while in the middle of a sugar rush, good times.

We’re back to regularly scheduled programming now that our Canadiana eBay auction is done, that means back to that big pile of “heading to eBay auction” books. From the pile I found this lovely copy of House of Mystery #281 featuring a boxer up against some zombie boxer, the book immediately brought to mind Neal Adams’ cover to the Superman vs Muhammad Ali treasury. Our Cover of the Week was drawn by the great Jim Starlin, from June 1980.

Our Splash Page of the Week comes from Sue and Sally Smith, Flying Nurses #50, ‘Death Mountain’ was drawn by Joe Sinnott with inks by Vince Colletta, I love how the 60s still had to have the guy be the voice of reason, the girls are saving his ass but still aren’t sure of themselves, he in his infinite wisdom has to calm then down and let them know things will work out. Great action shot though, I’d love to own this piece of art.

Again from Sue and Sally Smith, Flying Nurses comes our ad of the week. Check out the bottom left ad for the Bic pen, only 39 cents and its guaranteed to write on the first try! I think you can get bulk packs of Bic pens for less than 39 cents today, this ad just reminds me of how expensive things were back in the day, things that are so much cheaper and infinitely better today, we live in a good time.

Yes the icecollectibles Canadiana eBay auction has ended, we had lots of toys but the main drivers of this auction were the comic books. One highlight was this gorgeous copy of Lucky Comics v2 #7 from Maple Leaf publishing, this great WWII cover got $1,033. We plan on another Canadiana next May/June, I’ve already starting to work on it!

I tell the parents to “…rot their minds, not their teeth!!” Usually gets a laugh
Tim, I’m going to use that one on next year’s batch !!