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4 years ago

Unfortunately, all collectables, not just comics, like all non-essential purchases, become very difficult to justify during austere times. My best hopes go out to all stores, especially comic shops.

Bud plant
Bud plant
4 years ago

Call your local store if you can’t go in, find out what’s new. Every call we are getting this week (March 23+) makes me feel good, like we are a lifeline, a bit of normalacy in the chaos. When I went running on Sunday, instead of waving a drivers on just my little local road, I tried to wave at everyone who drove by, even along my busy highway leg. Figure everyone needs support right now.

4 years ago

A story on the news about covid sticking to paper money made me wonder if it would stick to paper comics. Anything to this?

Chris Meli
4 years ago

Klaus, the virus sticks to everything but survival rates are different depending upon the material. See this:


From this it seems like the good old newsprint of the old comics would be best, but with the quality of current books, it could survive maybe a day. However I doubt the concentration would be enough to get to you after a few hours as just the air exposure would work to burn up the virus. To be on the safe side, we have been bringing in our mail, putting it aside for a day, and washing our hands immediately after we bring it in. It seems like you might want to do the same thing if you pick up a comic in a shop (are any open?). Minimize contact to the comic for a day maybe, and wash your hands as soon as possible after you buy it, and don’t touch your face before this washing. Probably overkill, but you also get some anticipation value of having to wait to read the book.

4 years ago

Thank you for your reply, Chris.

Unfortunately, it seems that comic shops have been deemed non-essential by the Canadian government.

Ha! Try telling that to a comics fan waiting for the next issue of his/her favourite comic.