Last night I was able to show my patriotic comic lovin’ side by attending the Captain Canuck web series Indiegogo launch party.
The animated web series stars Kris Holden-Reid (Lost Girl, Underworld: Awakening, The Tudors) who voices Captain Canuck and Paul Amos (Lost Girl, Murdoch Mysteries, Warehouse 13) who voices Mr. Gold.

The party was packed with great Toronto comic people, including Richard Comely, Francis Manapul, Marco Rudy and more! Comic Book Daily’s own Walter Durajlija was there on behalf of Big B comics selling some awesome mugs and t-shirts (all profits going towards the web series of course). As well as Toronto’s Silver Snail owner George Zotti who was there to support the series.

Picture by: Hope Nicholson
Lots of fun was had, the open bar probably helped with that. The voice actors, the series creators and producers along with the animator were roaming around and very happy to talk with fans.

If you are a Captain Canuck fan and would like to help the series visit their Indiegogo page.