Is This Offensive?

The other day I was surfing around on Bleeding Cool News.  While I was reading a couple of articles, I saw on the bottom of the screen a section for most viewed pics.  I saw the picture shown above and clicked on it.  I thought it was a new take on Justice League until I actually looked at it.

Batman and Superman are ripping off Wonder Woman’s new pants to reveal her more popular shorts.  Green Lantern has her hands chained while our heroes are ripping her pants off.

I can’t really read the signature on the artwork, so I have no idea who the artist is.

I think the picture was meant to be innocent, and it was drawn to put to rest the debate on Wonder Woman’s clothing choices.  But it is offensive because it looks like Wonder Woman doesn’t have a choice about what she decides to wear.

What do you think?  Is this picture offensive?

Ed Campbell
Ed Campbell

Ed Campbell is a collector of comics and action figures, primarily G.I. Joe. He is also a Cosplayer with Thor and Captain America as just a few of the characters in his arsenal. When not fulfilling his Comic Book Daily duties, he's "working for a living", volunteering his time for his local Fall Fair, and spending as much time with his family as possible. Use the links below to get in contact with him.

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12 years ago

Alrighty, this is a bit tricky. Clearly the artist attempted to make the scene have tension but not so much that it looks like a rape scene.

Those are not shorts. I must add this, that is a body suit – there are not shorts for miles. So it’s even a variation on the classic shorts. I mean you can practically see her hip bones. This is not be having beef with a her body suit, it’s great. But those aren’t shorts.

Also, she’s not laying down. So this suggests that she’s able to fight back, the men are not dominating her. They are not on top of her but off to the sides. I’m also not sure Green Lantern has her arms. That to me looks like a classic Wonder Woman stance. She looks powerful, like she’s gearing up for something. Finally you can hardly tell they are tearing pants off her. It just looks like some shreds of material they are hanging on to.

Their bodies are not posed in a sexual manner, they do not look like they are attacking.Frankly aside from Wonder Womans melon sized bazungas, the scene is totally devoid of sex. And it’s the sexual element that makes this seem offensive.

And facts are facts, Wonder Woman doesn’t get too choose what she wears. More than likely male artist does. I recently read an article about a glaring lack of females over at DC, behind the books so to speak. I often wonder how the women of DC would be represented by a woman. Frankly the Wonder Woman character is a complex, interesting and well-rounded character who could benefit from a little less T&A and a little more character development as a superhero. We don’t sit around debating Batman’s costume?

If wonder woman choose her costume she’d be smart enough to have a) more than one for different temperatures b)suits for different purposes c) she has suits separate from DC, as the Amazon Queen no? SO what’s the big deal if the boys pick this one? Besides, Batman and Superman don’t get to choose either.

12 years ago

Well, Even though the signature is too blurry to read I think we can agree that a woman would never have drawn this. Ripping peoples clothes off while carrying weapons is clearly a violation in the real world and certainly a violation of any understanding of the character of Wonder Woman.

Its tasteless and speaks volumes about what the Jim Lee led DC feels is acceptable.

12 years ago

Wow, that just looks stupid. End of comment.